Seeking Jesus Day Eight - Mark 4:21-41

Hey friend, we got to study out more parables today in our lesson today. Some of those parables were sobering. "Whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed" for example. There are no secrets we can keep from God. Ever. He knows. And yet, knowing, He loves us! The kingdom of heaven parables make me realize that much of how God's kingdom grows is still a mystery to me. How about you? Toward the end of our reading, we get to the terrifying storm. But you know what was even more terrifying? Seeing Jesus rebuke a storm and instantly be obeyed. From raging seas and crashing winds to utter calm in a nano-second. I love the way the NLT puts it as the disciples saw what Jesus could do: "The disciples were absolutely terrified." Yup. Wouldn't you be?!! Miracle after miracle is happening before their very eyes. This Son of Man who is walking with them and teaching them has within Him all power and authority. What an amazing time that must have been! (No wonder Mark uses the word "amazing" all the time! It fits.)

My recorded verse: Mark 4:27 "Night and day, while he's asleep or awake, the seed sprouts and grows, but he does not understand how it happens."

My response: This is so encouraging, Lord! If I plant a seed, sharing the gospel like the farmer, I can rest knowing You are at work, night and day in my loved one's life, growing that seed, even if I don't understand how. I often wondered, as I watched Dad Gamble sit out on the deck for hours at a time watching the trees, what You were doing in his heart even then ... I'm so thankful You are fully able to make the seeds grow. And I am so thankful he came to know You before he died. However You brought him ... I am just so glad you DID bring him into Your kingdom.

2 Responses to “Seeking Jesus Day Eight - Mark 4:21-41”

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  1. Jenny says:

    Vs 28- “The earth produces the crops on its own. First a leaf blade pushes through, then the heads of wheat are formed, and finally the grain ripens.”
    This verse (along with vss 31-32) reminds me of the miracle of creation. From tiny seeds grows flowers, plants, giant trees. Lord, You are the God of creation. How can anyone look around and not see You? Thank you for this earth You have given us to enjoy. Thank you for the miracle of creation. Help me to truly see it everyday and praise You.

    • Sharon Gamble says:

      I love this thought. God shows Himself so clearly in creation and the rhythms of the seasons. I need to be more mindful of that as well.

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