Seeking Jesus Day Twenty-Nine - Mark 14:53-72

As this horrific night draws to an end, we watch Peter weep bitterly, fully aware of his own failure and folly in not gladly proclaiming that he was with Jesus. If scholars are right, and Peter told this tale to Mark who wrote it down for us, do you think Peter blinked back tears at the re-telling? How humble and transparent he was to admit freely that he had denied the Lord! May we be as vulnerable when we have sinned, showing that all strength and goodness comes from God and without Him, when left to ourselves, we are simply jars of clay.

Jesus, unlike Peter, was a tower of strength and calm throughout the ordeal. He said little, but when asked directly, He proclaimed truth: "Jesus said, 'I am. And you will see the Son of Man seated in the place of power at God's right hand and coming on the clouds of heaven" (Mark 10:62). Calm and confident, even after no sleep and in the midst of a mob, knowing full well what was to follow this horrible night, Jesus knew Who He was and was at peace. That prayer in the Garden? As He met with God, He was strengthened. How much MORE do we need to meet with God to be strengthened in the days ahead?

My recorded verse: Mark 10:65 "Then some of them began to spit at him, and they blindfolded him and beat him with their fists. 'Prophesy to us' they jeered. And the guards slapped him as they took him away."

My response: Lord, were you blindfolded by them because they could not bear the truth and calm in Your eyes? You who set the stars in place, allowing Your foolish creatures to mock and harm You. Oh, what You endured for me!


2 Responses to “Seeking Jesus Day Twenty-Nine - Mark 14:53-72”

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  1. Jenny says:

    Vs 62. Lord, I praise You for You are the I AM. You are great and mighty and powerful. And someday soon You are coming back to take this world back as Your own. Hallelujah, what a day that will be!

    • Sharon Gamble says:

      And now I am singing from the old hymn: "And Lord haste the day when the faith will be sight ... the clouds be rolled back as a scroll ..." !!!

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