We are so honored to have this incredible group of women available at the retreat to teach and share with you! Read through our choices and then pray to see which one or which two might be God’s choice for you! Remember that workshops are optional. This is a Selah retreat, so time to stop and be alone with God is encouraged. Seek the Lord on this, and if He calls you to one of these, we know you will be richly blessed.


Ministry: author of Fragile: 30 Days of Hope for the Anxious Heart

Presenter: Samantha Arroyo

Description: Chronic worry has the capacity to cripple, strangle and poison the heart and mind—even those bent toward a deeper relationship with Christ. Such was the case for Samantha Arroyo, who openly reflects on her debilitating, often paralyzing, struggle with severe anxiety. In an effort to find freedom from her prison of fear, Samantha began a journey through the Word of God that would help unlock the chains that had held her mind hostage for so long. In this workshop, Samantha will share her own journey and help others understand anxiety better. Whether you are the anxious one or you love an anxious one, come learn that no one is beyond repair. God is a refuge and can help you become a “wavewalker!”



Workshop: The Present Help: God’s Work in Us

Ministry: The Women Who Overcome

Presenter: G. Nadine Davis

Theme verse: “for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” —Philippians 2:13 NIV

Description: I believe women must learn what it means to “enter His Rest”. After all it was provided by the finished work of our Lord. Our response should be to believe that He is our sufficiency. To trust HIM, The Ever Present Help that He has provided through the indwelling Holy Spirit WHO inspires and enables us to please and glorify The Father.



Workshop: Prayer-focused Mentoring: Pointing others to THE Refuge

Ministry: MORE Mentoring

Presenter: Nancy Lindgren

Description:  Being a mentor can have so many preconceived notions–will I meet her needs, will I have the right advice to give, will I be enough for her? Those are daunting questions for anyone to live up to. What if it’s as simple as being a safe place for a mentee to be real and honest with what she’s going through? After all, the best and truest answers come from the Greatest Refuge we will ever know, Jesus. Only He can supply peace and protection in the storms of this life. Join me for my workshop where we’ll talk more about the transforming power of inviting Jesus into our conversations through prayer-focused mentoring.



Workshop: The God Who Sees Me

Ministry: By Design Ministries

Presenter: Linda Moore

Description: As Christians, we live in hope; the expectant, patient certainty that God will act as He has promised. Yet sometimes our difficult circumstances can overwhelm us and leave us questioning God’s presence and provision. In this workshop session, we’ll look at the life of Hagar and see how God’s compassion and intervention turned her life around and gave her a present and future hope!



Workshop: LIFE BALANCE WORKSHOP – Living Your Life and Loving It Too

Ministry: Her Wholehearted Life [Social Media contacts: Facebook or Instagram]

Presenter: Bonnie Nichols

Description: Have you lost that loving feeling? (Cue: scene from Top Gun). Feel like you are “doing all the things” but not loving it as much as you used to?  Struggling with a constant feeling of burnout and exhaustion?  Join Bonnie as she shares a biblical wholehearted approach to living your daily life and your God given purpose in the process.  Her practical approach will help you live a life full of purpose, balance, and clarity, and help you love the life you live.



Workshop: Praying Them Up!

Ministry: Moms in Prayer

Presenter: Pat Rohm

Description: Are you concerned about your children or grandchildren, nieces and nephews, and their schools? Learn how to turn your worries into prayer. Come learn about Moms in Prayer.



Workshop: Rediscovering a Grandmother’s Joy

Ministry: Christian Grandparenting Network

Presenter: Sherry Schumann

Description: Do you remember the joy you experienced when you first held your grandchildren? Has your joy become tarnished and lost its luster? If so, you’re not alone. Join Sherry Schumann for an honest discussion about the disappointments and difficulties we face as grandmothers living in a post-Christian culture. Discover what the Bible says about our role as grandmothers and how to navigate a rapidly changing world with the understanding that God’s purpose for this season of our life is unchanging. Rediscover your initial joy.



Workshop: Sacred Space: Re-Imagine Your Sanctuary

Ministry: iCelebrateYou365  Living Fit and Well Coaching

Presenter: Annetta Works-Salley

Description: Where do you go when your planned time with ABBA is interrupted by a restriction, cancellation, or your usual “sacred space” is not available?  Join Annetta to re-discover “ABBA’s PLAN” for living fit and well regardless of where you are.






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