What You Need for the Get Smart Study




We start our study on Solomon – his life and his words – this Saturday. Be sure you have a journal, a pen, and a Bible ready for the study. Also, you will want to be familiar with our “4R Method” of Bible Study.




  • Request – Before you begin to read, make sure you pray and request God’s help in understanding His Word.
  • Read – Read through the text twice. Once for context, and the second time, looking for one verse.
  • Record – Choose one verse from the text, and record it. Write it out in your journal, so you remember it.
  • Respond – Then, write a response to the God who speaks to you, based on the verse you chose.

Here is an example for you:

Request:  Dear Lord, help me to focus as I read Your Word. Would you please teach me? Show me how to live for You, today, as I study and try to apply what You say to me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Read: Proverbs 1 … read slowly … read it twice, looking for “that verse” that speaks to you the most.

Record:for gaining wisdom and instruction; for understanding words of insight;” Proverbs 1:2

Response: Dear Lord, This. This is what I want. Please help me gain wisdom through this study. I want Your instruction in how to live each day. Give me understanding and insight that I might follow You more.

I’ll be popping on with daily encouragements, dear one. Get ready! When we read with an open heart and a desire to hear from God … we really do hear from Him. I am so excited to go on this adventure with you!

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