
Good morning and Happy December!

Our first entry is from John 1 – that glorious passage that reminds us that although Christ’s beginning as a human was a definite moment in history, Christ actually had no beginning. He is always existing, a part of our Triune God. Three in One. Like water found as three substances: steam, liquid, ice … God is ONE. And yet He is three: Father, Son, Spirit. It’s a great mystery, isn’t it? Dive in to the reading, today, to learn more and then choose your verse and respond to it. Here’s what I chose, below. What did you choose? Let us know, if you wish, in the comments.

DAY ONE – John 1:1-14 Write out your verse and comments below, friends! Here’s mine:

“The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness can never extinguish it.” John 1:5

Father, on these cold, dark days what a JOY it is to know that Jesus’ Light … Your LIGHT, Triune God … shines. Always and forever. There’s such comfort in knowing that the darkness is helpless against the light. Help me, Lord, to reflect that light in all I do, to brighten the darkness in my little world, here in New Hampshire.

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Day Two – Colossians 1:15-20
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