WEEK 3 – 3 Guys and the Furnace, the Courage of Friendship

WEEK 3 – 3 Guys and the Furnace, the Courage of Friendship

March 16 – Daniel 3:1-30

Request: Lord, please show us what you want us to learn in regard to friendship.  Friendships can be hard and, at times, be hurtful.  Help us this week to learn the courage of friendship.

Read: Daniel 3:1-30; this is the big picture overview of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.  They had a strong and committed friendship rooted in God.

Record: Record a key verse and then what stands out to you in this story.

Respond: Write a prayer responding to God about the verse you just read.  Let’s not just pick a verse and move on.  Let’s interact with God about it.

Question to Ponder: How do you feel about friendship?  What do you think God thinks about friendship?

My Ponder:

I love the commitment between these 3 guys.  They were loyal and faithful to one another. They were willing to worship and die together. Sometimes, friendships can be scary for me.  I have some past hurts that make me a little guarded at times.  I think God values relationships.  He created it in us to desire connectedness with Him and others.

My Verse: Daniel 3:25, “He answered and said, “But I see four men unbound, walking in the midst of the fire, and they are not hurt; and the appearance of the fourth is like a son of the gods.”

My Response: Lord, help me to have eyes to see and ears to hear all that you do in my life.  Help me to be faithful and loyal not just to you, but also faithful in my friendships you’ve blessed me with.  

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Sharon Gamble
    March 16, 2025 7:35 pm

    My verse: “Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied, ‘O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you.'”

    My response: Oh, Lord, help me to remember this when I want to defend myself when others criticize and misunderstand me. These three men had a firm mindset that they answered to You – High King of all kings – and not to mere man, even if he happened to be king of a country. Help me not to fear the rulers of this age. My allegiance is to You, and You alone. If You are pleased with me, if I am following Your will, it matters not what others think.


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