Week One


Welcome to our study of Isaiah. I’ve loved this book for a long time and discover new treasures in it every time I read it. I hope you have had a chance to watch the two You Tube videos that give you background on who Isaiah was, and why he was so significant. If not, you can watch them here.

I called this study “Walk This Way” because I find Isaiah full of practical applications on how I ought to walk and follow God. In fact, my life verse is from Isaiah 30:21. I memorized this in the NIV so let’s read it in that version, even though I’ve shared my daily verses with you from the New Living Translation.

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”

My heart’s desire is to hear His voice behind me every single day, showing me the path for that day, and to joyfully walk in it. Somedays I succeed better than others of course. But that’s my goal. Let’s listen for His voice as we read. Let’s find “the way” and “walk in it.”


  1. Print out the week’s assignment and place it in your Bible so you know each day where you ought to be reading.
  2. Go to the Word of God first, before you read my commentary. Follow our 4R method of study:
  • Request: Start with prayer, asking God to keep you focused and to teach you from the passage.
  • Read: Read through the passage a couple of times and let it sink in.
  • Record: Choose one verse that you’d like to ponder longer. Write it out in a journal so that you can slow down and notice each word as you write.
  • Respond: Write a short prayer to the Lord about your verse, asking Him questions about it perhaps, or maybe thanking Him for the message. It’s nice to respond to the God who just spoke to us through the Bible. Unlike other books, the Bible is a living Word and God literally speaks to us when we read it, highlighting what He wants us to see. It’s amazing! Let’s take the time to respond to Him after we’ve read.
  1. If you have time, then go to my commentary and read and discover which verse I chose. It’s kinda fun to see what someone else had highlighted to them by the Spirit.
  2. If you choose, you can then share your verse and response with your fellow students. It’s such a blessing when you choose to comment. We all benefit from what the Spirit showed you. Don’t be shy! We’d love to read how God spoke to you.

Are you ready? Start June 1st by reading Isaiah 1:1-20. Can’t wait to see what God shows us all as we come with listening hearts to Him and His Word given to Isaiah.

Love, Sharon

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