True Living at Christmas: Three Special Gifts


December Series: True Living at Christmas
Part 4 of 4 – Three Special Gifts

Today’s Musing is from Margaret Fowler.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. —John 3:16

As I look back on a lifetime of Christmas celebrations, three special gifts always come to my mind.

One year, my husband, Ray, and I were shopping for our children when I stopped to admire a grandfather clock. My thoughts drifted back to my childhood home in England and the big grandfather clock that stood in our hall. My father faithfully set it every day, using the old-fashioned weights and pendulum, and it sounded the hours all through the night. I would have dearly loved to have brought it with me to America, but with the cost of shipping, it was out of the question. Ray noticed my look of longing that day and later went back to buy that grandfather clock for me as a special gift. And on Christmas Day, there it was, a big and wonderful surprise! (This one runs on a battery, no need for a pendulum, and is an excellent timekeeper.)

A few years ago, the second special gift came about. Ray was sitting in his favorite rocking chair when I impulsively jumped on his lap. The sudden impact broke the chair! Oh, no, what have I done?! I went shopping for a new rocking chair and found a much sturdier one. I even managed to surprise him by hiding it in our greenhouse and carrying it through the snow on Christmas morning. Surprise! (This rocking chair still works, even when I “carefully” arrive to sit on his lap!)

Gift number three: We bought a new bicycle for our daughter, Sharon. Ray assembled it in the basement and placed it right in front of the tree the night before Christmas. When the children were allowed in the room the next day, we excitedly waited to see Sharon’s reaction. Guess what? She didn’t even notice the bicycle! Between the tree and the piles of gifts on the floor, it took her a while to see the biggest gift. We have often laughed about that incident—it’s become a family joke! (She did love her new bike when she finally saw it.)

I think back to the three special gifts given to Jesus’s family. Mary and Joseph were certainly not wealthy, and I can only imagine their great surprise when three stately men, the Magi, or wise men as we know them, showed up … and bringing gifts. Their gifts of love were fit for a King: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Did you ever wonder if these were given in God’s perfect, loving foresight to support this poor, refugee family and provide for them as they lived in Egypt those years?

The greatest “three” gifts of all time: God sending His Son to die for us that we might know Him, the true God, who then gives us His Holy Spirit to indwell us and teach us how to live as His children. Our three-in-one God gives us His presence and assurance of eternal life. There is no greater gift, no greater joy. And He is the path to “true living at Christmas” … and always.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Margaret is Sharon’s Mum. She and her husband have had 66 years of marriage and four children. They enjoy hiking, biking, canoeing, and just being outdoors, watching wildlife. Margaret plays the piano as part of a nursing home ministry. She has written many articles for her church newsletter, and some of these have been compiled into a book, Holding My Father’s Hand, available on Amazon.

Saved by grace,
Margaret Fowler




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True Living at Christmas: The Tree That Nearly Stole Our Christmas