The Thing About Donkeys


Then they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their clothes on it, and He sat on it. —Mark 11:7 NKJV

Growing up on a farm instilled in me a deep love and appreciation for all things animal. To this day, I can vividly remember the sound of horse hoofs on the wooden barn floor. The smell of grain in the bin and hay in the loft. The scent of puppies, newspaper, and oatmeal. The feel of soft kitten fur and the blueness of their eyes. The sound of cow bells and the taste of raw milk.

One animal I have never had experience with is a donkey. I knew little to nothing about them, but since I have encountered them repeatedly in the Scriptures, I have become intrigued by donkeys!

In doing some research, I’ve learned that donkeys are known to be very gentle, sweet, and more personable than horses. (Horse owners might disagree.) They are also said to be very territorial, stoic, hard to read, and emotional. When they bond with you, it will be for life. If you are willing to put in the immense time and energy it takes to gain their trust, they will do just about anything you ask of them. If you haven’t earned their trust, dynamite won’t move them.

Donkeys are mentioned 140 times in the Scripture! They were often pivotal in God carrying out His plan in the lives of His chosen people. Here’s a brief sample:

Two thoughts come to mind as I think about the donkeys of the Scripture:

First, riding an untamed donkey is next to impossible, never mind trying to ride a foal. This is what makes Jesus’ riding one so remarkable. It shows the power He has over everything—including stubborn, untamed donkeys!

We can have a myriad of untamed strongholds in our lives, mountains of difficulties or challenges, and seeming insurmountable impossibilities that, from a human standpoint, should overtake us like a tsunami. Yet Jesus has the power to break any stronghold in our life. He has the power to win every battle victoriously and overcome any challenge in our lives when we turn those impossibilities over to Him.

Second, God has used simple, little donkeys in small and great ways to accomplish His plans. Some He used for destruction, some for victory, some for help, some for rescue. All He used for His glory. That begs me to ask: if He can use a donkey to accomplish a divine task, how much more will He use me when I submit myself to Him?

I discovered one more interesting fact about donkeys: They all have a cross running down their backs. Tradition says that God gave donkeys the cross as a symbol and reminder of the role they played in carrying Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday on His way to the greatest sacrifice of all time. One thing I know to be true is that they bear a cross everywhere they go. Do I carry the cross everywhere I go? Do I hold up the cross as a road sign for all to see the only way we must go to be rescued?

Thank You, Lord, for a simple study of simple donkeys. I will never look at them the same way again. Thank You for the power You wielded over the captor of my lost soul. You rode a lowly donkey to a divine destination so that in You, I can walk in victory. Help me to walk worthy of You, fully pleasing You, and being fruitful in every good work. To You be all the thanks, praise, and glory. I love You, Lord!


In Him,
Donna Perkins



Sweet Selah Ministries 

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