
He said to them, “Therefore every teacher of the law [scribe] who has become a disciple in the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old.” —Matthew 13:52 NIV

Perhaps you, too, have some old treasures from a grown son’s childhood in the form of stuffed animals (I have several). For me, very special memories are embedded in the musty fur of a squishy groundhog named Granville. Donned in red long-johns and denim overalls, he rests in a plastic bin alongside Pluto, Donald Duck, and Winnie the Pooh, waiting for another child to treasure him.

Come to think of it, Granville was a gift from my mother to our son, Sean, when he was just three years old. Sean took Granville everywhere. The grocery store, the park, to bed, and all field trips. Granville was his buddy and his security—a reminder of stability. Since Granville’s character was also described in a children’s book, Sean knew him to be a kind, helpful, and capable little groundhog. (It’s possible these characteristics are what he treasured most.)

Then, when our son was six years old, we moved three thousand miles away from one coast to the other. We waved goodbye to his grandparents on both sides of the family, his friends, his beloved kindergarten, and the only home he knew. The transition was especially hard on Sean, but Granville was always there—the move from the old to the new was made bearable by the presence of a little groundhog.

Mercifully, instead of Granville, I had God’s Word to keep me grounded. After all, I also left all I knew—my friends and family, my church, home, and ministry. Everything grew distant in the rear-view mirror. The Bible, both the Old and New Testament, was my lifeline to stability, comfort, and peace. In truth, it was the only thing that made me feel at home. The weekly Bible study I listened to on cassette tape (yes, it was a long time ago) taught the Word, verse by verse, starting in Genesis and ending in Revelation. During this time, a portrait of Jesus was revealed in the Old Testament that I had never seen before. From the Passover lamb to the Tabernacle in the desert, there was Jesus. In the stories of manna from heaven and water from the rock, Jesus was present. In short, reading the Bible in search of Jesus helped me see that He was always there, imbued in both the Old and the New. Because of the Word of God, I knew Him to be kind, helpful, and capable, but He was far more than that. Jesus is the definition of love and the exact representation of the Father. He is holy. He is my savior, my provider, my sustainer, and the lover of my soul!

In our verse from Matthew above, the NASB translation uses the word “scribe” instead of “teacher of the law,” revealing a new treasure. When I meditated on this verse, looking at several translations, I could see Jesus’ conclusion: those of you who are teachers of the Jewish Law (scribes and Pharisees) who are now followers of Jesus can reveal Him in the Old Testament (Law and Prophets) and “bring out” new treasures (the Gospel). Astoundingly, anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear could enter the new covenant with joy because Jesus is the One they had been waiting for! He was and is the Messiah!Wow! Can you feel the Spirit stirring in the hearts of John and Matthew as they listened to Jesus? After all, they would both eventually write a book of the New Testament. Nonetheless, this was probably directed toward current teachers of the law who were also believers like Nicodemus, who most certainly understood the link between the old and the new.

For Jews at that time, their “Granville” was the Law and the Prophets, but Jesus fulfilled the Law and all the prophecies! Jesus encouraged them to dig for the treasure hidden in plain sight with phrases like, “Anyone who believes in Me may come and drink, for the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from His heart’” (John 7:38 NLT).

Eventually, Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, penned many letters found in our Bibles, which unveil the link between the old and the new. What joy that we can cling to the entire Word of God, taking it everywhere! It’s all about Jesus, the greater-than-Granville, because He is real, powerful, holy, just, and loving—and has already given us all we need for life and godliness.

Father, I am overwhelmed by the reality of what You have done for us through Your Son. Thank You for Your Word, both the old and the new, which ushers me into the presence of Jesus and sets me safely at His feet.

But as it is, Christ has obtained a ministry that is as much
more excellent than the old as
the covenant he mediates is
better, since it is enacted on better promises. For if that
first covenant had been faultless, there would have been
no occasion to look for a second.
—Hebrews 8:6-7 ESV

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and
peace in believing, that you may abound in hope
by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13 NJKV).

Marlene McKenna



Sweet Selah Ministries

To inspire a movement away from the belief that “busy is better”
and toward the truth of God’s Word that stillness and knowing
Him matter most—and will be reflected in more effective work and service

To offer biblical resources and retreats that help women pause (Selah)
and love God more deeply as they know Him more intimately (Sweet)

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4 Comments. Leave new

  • Donna Perkins
    August 14, 2023 11:40 am

    Thank you Marlene. I’m so thankful for the comfort and companionship
    of God’s Word

  • Margaret Fowler
    August 15, 2023 9:43 am

    Thanks Marlene, I have also experienced a long journey from all that was familiar, traveling from England to a new country. God has certainly been with me, at all times, in all places. So thankful to know Jesus as my Saviour. I didn’t bring any groundhogs with me! But I brought some childhood books, .and most of all, Jesus was with me on the long journey.


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