Take Heart in a World of Trouble


Today’s Musing is from Jayna Venturini.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” —John 16:33 NIV

Last summer, our family spent a week at a Christian camp. One unexpected place where we spent a good amount of our time was the bookstore. In addition to books and camp gear (of course!), the store also carried home decor with Bible verses. One picture in particular stood out to me. Despite how much I loved the colorful print, I did not buy it that week because, well, we were camping, and there was just no room for it.

Seeing all the encouraging, verse-adorned decor reminded me of something a friend and mentor said to me: “You know what verse you never see cross-stitched on a pillow? ‘In this world you will have trouble.’”

She’s right. I didn’t see a single plaque, pillow, or T-shirt with that particular saying from Jesus Christ. And why not? It’s certainly relatable! It’s timeless. It’s just as true as all the other verses. You don’t need to go to seminary, or even Sunday School, to understand it.

If I had to guess, I’d say that verse isn’t printed on merchandise because it doesn’t sell. It is painfully obvious, and it’s not something we want—or even need—to be reminded of. We know what trouble is, and we’ve got plenty of it!

What we need to be reminded of is the whole verse, the whole story:

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” —John 16:33 NIV

While studying this verse, I found it interesting that several different nouns were used for the word “trouble” in popular English translations (suffering, distress, affliction, etc.). However, the last sentence, “I have overcome the world,” stayed pretty much the same between translations.

This makes me think: The trouble may vary, but the answer to those troubles that give us peace is the same: victory in Jesus Christ.

Jesus didn’t say, “I have told you these things so that you may have peace,” as if the words he shared would themselves bring peace to our hearts. He didn’t share an affirmation or a life hack. No, he said, “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace.”

He told the truth and offered himself as our source of peace.

This was part of the message Jesus shared with his disciples at the Last Supper before he was arrested and crucified. He was letting his friends know everything was okay—that he had conquered the world and all its evils—just before things took a turn for the very worst, and it would appear he and they had been defeated.

It’s interesting to think about all Jesus included in his last evening with his best friends before his death (as recorded in John 13-17). He washed their feet. He predicted betrayal and denial. He comforted them, pointed them to God, and promised that a better helper (the Holy Spirit) was coming. Jesus told them to abide in Him, even though the world would hate them. He said their grief would be turned to joy because He has overcome the world.

That’s a pretty huge message.

I wonder what words came back to the disciples after Jesus’ arrest and all the gruesome events that followed. When their world was falling apart, did they remember, maybe with grave disappointment and doubt, that Jesus had said, “I have overcome the world”? Or did they remember He had said, “In this world you will have trouble”?

When I read all that Jesus shared that night, I see threads of details woven together to form the tapestry of this theme: He has it covered.

There’s nothing wrong with home decor and T-shirts with encouraging verses (if I see that picture again, I’m buying it). They all tell a story.

Yet, this is also a true saying: in this world, we will have trouble—more than we care to have, for sure. As Christians, we are called to obey Christ’s teachings, and the Holy Spirit empowers us to do so. Part of this obedience includes rolling up our sleeves and doing hard work to fight evil. But our peace is not found in our obedience, our work, or in our #blessed moments. Our peace is found in Him. His victory is the ultimate source of peace and is always available for us to rest in.

Jesus, we confess we are weary of the trouble we face. Thank You for the gift of Your presence. May we find rest in the work You have done to overcome evil in this world, and may we always find peace in You. Amen.

Jayna Venturini is the communications team lead for Sweet Selah Ministries. You can find more of her writing at Slow Your Roll.


In His love,
Jayna Venturini



Sweet Selah Ministries 

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and toward the truth of God’s Word that stillness and knowing
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To offer biblical resources and retreats that help women pause (Selah)
and love God more deeply as they know Him more intimately (Sweet

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