Sweet Selah Easter Dare 2019 Bible Study


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Dear one,

We are grateful that you “took the dare” and are spending time this Easter season with Jesus. Below is the study for you to follow. You will need a Bible and a journal and a pen. Please use this study as the Holy Spirit leads. Remember your end goal is simply to be with God. So, if this study helps in that endeavor, use it with joy! However, if the Holy Spirit leads you to read elsewhere in God’s Word,  follow His leading. May God meet you in a special way today as you offer your time, yourself, to Him. 

The Name of Jesus

Know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed. Jesus is “the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.” Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved. —Acts 4:10-12 NIV

Request: Heavenly Father, thank You for helping me find this block of time to spend with You. Please give me ears to hear You today. Open my eyes to the beauty of Your Word and Your Name. Expand my heart to love You more as I study and listen. This day is Yours, Lord. Not mine. I offer it to You as my “time sacrifice” this Easter, yielding to You my desires and wishes and simply wanting to seek You. Teach me, help me, hold me, please. In that Mighty Name, Jesus Christ, my Lord and my Savior, I pray. Amen.

Read: You have time today, dear one, to read slowly and process. So, slow down and savor the words in Acts. Read chapters 1-4 straight through. As you read, imagine what it would have been like to see Jesus alive again after he had been crucified and buried. Learn from His disciples. What did they share with others? What was the good news that burned within them?

Read and Record: Now, read the four chapters once again and record the following in your journal:

  1. Verses that stirred you in some way. Write them out.
  2. Every verse that refers to the “name of Jesus.” See if you can find them all (at least seven) and record them.

Respond: Take some time to process the verses you just wrote out. Write a prayer about them and share with God any hurts these verses brought to mind. Tell Him what confused you. Ask Him questions. Then, write out what you have learned about Jesus’ Name from these verses. Write out a prayer of gratitude for what He did for you on the cross. Linger with these thoughts and prayers for a while.

Further Study on the Names of God

  1. List some people whose names carry with them a good reputation.
  2. List some people whose names carry with them a bad reputation.
  3. Name some people who bring you joy and/or make you feel safe.

Do you see how even a person’s name can make us think of their personality and their temperament or even their accomplishments or failures? A name represents a soul, really. The heart of the person.

As you read through and ponder the verses below, make sure to: Request God’s help as you read them; read carefully and thoughtfully; linger if you are confused and read again; record the verses that resonate with you. Write them out. When you transcribe a verse, it sits in your brain more fully. Writing helps you remember and process; respond to God often, ask Him questions as you read or jot down what you are learning from His Word.

Wisdom from Proverbs on Names: Read Proverbs 18:10; Proverbs 22:1a

Why are names important? What do we learn about God’s Name from these verses?

When God Told Us His Name: Read Exodus 3:13-15

God not only announces His Name, He declares whose God He is. You can name Him, too! He’s the God of everything that exists, and He’s your God. He’s my God, Sharon’s God, [your name]’s God. Why do you think He chose to call Himself I AM?

God is Clear. Do Not Ever Misuse His Name: Exodus 20:7; Deuteronomy 5:11; Psalm 113:3; Matthew 6:9

Why do you think people for centuries have used God’s name in vain? Why not swear using other names? Ponder the significance of that fact. If you struggle with speaking His Name without honor, ask forgiveness and know that you have it. You truly do.

Exalt His Name: Nehemiah 9:5-6; Psalm 34:3; Psalm 103:1; Zechariah 14:9; Malachi 1:11; Philippians 2:9-11

Stop here for a moment and whisper His Name with reverence? Exalt Him! Maybe it’s time to take a walk and pray and praise? Maybe you’ll want to listen to our playlist? Or … just keep going with the study. Listen to the Holy Spirit’s guidance as you spend your time with God. This is simply a guide to help you focus.

Call on His Name: Joel 2:32; John 20:31; Acts 2:21; Romans 10:9; Romans 10:13

Can you think of a time when you called on His Name? (I often speak His Name out loud when I’m frightened. I whisper, “Jesus, Savior, rescue me from my fears. Jesus, Your very Name has power and You are my King and my Rescuer. Thank You.”)

In His Name: Isaiah 50:1o; Luke 24:47; John 16:24; Ephesians 5:20; Colossians 3:17

Because we are His, we have access to Him and His power. We can ask the Father anything “in His Name,” but only if our asking lines up in a way that represents Him. How do you understand this? What are your thoughts based on these verses?

List His Names: Isaiah 9:6; John 6:35; John 8:12; John 10:9; John 10:11; John 11:25-26; John 14:6; John 15:5; Revelation 19:16

These are only a few of the names of Jesus, the One we look to as Savior and Lord. What do you learn about Him from these names? Can you add names to this list? Praise Him. Thank Him for Who He is.

Close this study by reading Revelation 5 out loud. Then, add your own praise and prayer to Jesus, the one and only way to life!

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