Sweet Selah Days

What is a Sweet Selah Day?

Sweet Selah Day is a day—or part of a day—set apart to meet with God. It’s an intentional setting aside of our normal agenda and all our activities and “making a date” to meet with Him. Just like we meet with an old friend, writing the plans on our calendars and setting aside time to catch up, it’s good to do the same with the One who loves us most of all. In fact, His greatest commandment is to love Him. When you love someone, you spend time with them.

On a normal day, even if we fit in a quiet time with God, our time with Him and the Word is limited. On a Sweet Selah Day, we take our time. We can pray in depth. We can read His Word and ponder. We can study other books written by Christians who have gone before us and can teach us. We can take a walk and marvel at God’s creation. We can rest. Whether you set aside two hours or ten … this “time sacrifice” given to meet with your God will richly bless you and will tune your heart to love and your ears to listen to His voice. Enjoy and savor being with the Lover of Your Soul. Read below for instructions on preparing for your day, and then either scroll down or look to your right if you’re using a laptop. You will see lots of suggestions for how to fill your day with a study of God’s Word. Each study has been designed to help you spend an intentional, meaningful day with your God and Creator. May God bless you and meet with you in extraordinary ways!

Preparing for a Sweet Selah Day


Write It Down

Choose what day of the month you will meet with God and write it on your calendar. If you work from home, or work part-time, choose a consistent day like the first Friday of every month as your Sweet Selah Day. If you work full-time, choose a half-day on the weekend. Commit to this day like you would to a day with a best friend. Only cancel in emergencies and immediately find another date if you have to cancel—and write it down again. This is a real commitment with a real Person.


Prepare Your Bag

Create a bag that is always at the ready for your Sweet Selah Day. Put the following items in the bag and leave them there. Then, all you have to do on your day is pick up the bag and go.

  • Bible. Do you have more than one Bible in your home? If so, choose one (or two) you seldom use for your everyday reading or your church reading. Put this one in the bag and make it your permanent Sweet Selah Day Bible. I chose a study Bible for my Sweet Selah Days. It’s packed with study notes and word definitions that are perfect for longer periods of study. If you have just one Bible, thank God. Many Christians around the world long to own a Bible. You will simply need to add this Bible to your bag before you leave for your monthly Sweet Selah Day.
  • Journal. Select a notebook or journal that will be exclusively used on this once-a-month Sweet Selah Day.
  • Pens. Yes, pens plural. Place 2-3 pens in your bag to make sure you will have one that works!
  • Books. Choose a couple of good Christian books to read, knowing you may be reading just a chapter or so a month. These should be nonfiction and written to help you know God better or help you better understand a topic like prayer or fasting.
  • Worship Music. Take along some music on your favorite streaming channel that you can listen to on your day away. Do you love old hymns? Bring a hymnal.
  • Snacks. Water bottle, granola bar, fruit … little snacks for the day that are easily replaced.
  • Reading glasses. Don’t forget them if you need them.


Make Arrangements

Do you have small children? Arrange in advance for childcare. Perhaps you can exchange childcare with a friend who would also like a once-a-month Sweet Selah Day? Perhaps this can be a “grandma day” if you are blessed to have one of those lovely ladies close by. Do you have a pet? Arrange for their care in advance if you plan to leave the house. If you choose an at-home time, make sure no one will be around during your sweet day or choose a room in your home where your family knows not to disturb you. See our Easter Challenge page for additional ideas in this time of crisis when we can’t go out in public like we normally do.



Ask God to prepare your heart for your special day alone with Him!

Sweet Selah Day Bible Studies

Sweet Selah Guide – The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer A Sweet Selah Day Guide Click here for printable guide Introduction I am so glad you have set aside time to rest in the Lord! Jesus invites…

March to Easter Dare 2021 Instructions

  Hello friend, Are you ready to “take the dare?” It’s HARD to find the time and the motivation to spend 2-6 hours alone with the Lord. It might even…

Christmas Selah Day Challenge 2020

Christmas 2020 will be unique. We are still in the midst of a pandemic that has swept the globe. Some people, perhaps even some of our friends, think it’s been…

Easter 2020 – The Bible Study

  Sweet Selah Easter 2020 – The Paradox of Life from Death   Studying Death and Resurrection   A Guided Sweet Selah Day Click here for a downloadable PDF. Key Verse: Very…

A Journey through James

A Journey through James Please remember. 1) Start small. If a long time alone with God is too intimidating, start with 1 hour and then work up to perhaps a…

Rest Rhythms

Young woman at home sitting near window relaxing in her living room reading book and drinking coffee or tea . Are you ready for your Sweet Selah Day? Follow this…

Welcome to Sweet Selah Days

What is a Sweet Selah Day? A Sweet Selah Day is a day, or part of a day, set apart to meet with God. It’s an intentional setting aside of…