Oh, I just had the sweetest time with the Lord as I studied Psalm 77. I’ve shared in the video how this psalm progresses from depression to a turning of the mind to remembrance and a reciting of the things God has done in the past. Do you have pivotal moments from your past where you know but KNOW God showed up? Sometimes when God feels far away, it’s good to remember those times.
My verse was Psalm 77:12. “I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds.” I wrote: Thank You, Lord, for this example of turning one’s mind from the darkness of despair and lost-ness to the memories of all You have done. Thank You for …”
And then … I listed and listed and listed many of the sweet big and little things God has done, acting on my behalf, in my lifetime. The list was long. The memories were sweet. Just recalling His intervention at different key moments in my life brought such JOY and gratitude.
So, thank you to Asaph, under God’s direction, for reminding me to REMEMBER what God has done!! May God bless your reading of His Word as well, dear friend!!

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