Psalm 3 – Please Share Your Comments and Verse Below

Well. How was your first day of reading? I hope God spoke to you in amazing ways. Do remember: Always Read The Scripture First, before you read what I write, okay? I want you to look at it with fresh eyes, and then we will share with each other what we have learned. My sharing is below the video. Please DO add your comments to this. We’d love to know what God showed you as you came to Him today.

I chose Psalm 3:5: “I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me.”    My thoughts and my prayer on that verse: David moves from what people are saying in verse 2, that “God will not deliver him” to praise of Who God IS, to sleeping peacefully even though literally thousands in Absalom’s army are against him. WOW. Oh, to have trust like that!!  Dear Lord, teach me … remind me … to come to you in trouble, and then rest in You, who are my Shield!  My discussion on why the “selah” is where it is in each place in this psalm, is found on the video above. I’d love to hear what God showed you. Please comment if you can! (The most important thing, though, is that you chose to meet with God, today. Well done.)

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