As you start this study, follow these four “R’s” and you’ll have a sweet time of fellowship with the Lord.
- REQUEST. Ask the Lord to help you as you read. By asking Him, you’ll find your heart is opened to His Spirit and more able to be taught. God loves to be asked and answers abundantly. Request His help as you begin each day.
- READ. Next, read the passage twice. The first time, just to get the overview. On your second time, find the verse in the passage that interests or challenges or blesses or puzzles you the most.
- RECORD. Write that verse out in your journal. Writing slows you down so you can really meditate on each word in the verse. Writing it down also helps you remember the verse more.
- RESPOND. God’s word is living and active. When you read it, it’s only polite to respond to Him about what He said. Writing a response personalizes it, and acknowledges that this is more than reading a book. This is interacting with your Savior.