Dear Lord God, we come before You in worship and praise, for You are the orchestrator of Your creation.  Be with us as we spend time with You, and guide us to what You want to show us.

Jesus has just finished teaching humility once again by washing John’s dirty feet – along with all the others. It was a smelly, messy job. John got to see, again, the life he was being called to lead. It wasn’t a glorious one of sitting to the left of Jesus on His throne. Nope. He’d be doing the equivalent of washing dirty feet! But what I want us to notice in this one is that John actually is sitting next to Jesus. How fun is that? And Peter asks John to ask Jesus a question because John was the nearest to his Lord. John calls himself “the disciple Jesus loved” in this passage and refuses to name himself. He was content, by the time he wrote this gospel, to just be known as one who was loved. His name and his position had ceased to be important. May it be so with us! One of my favorite songs is by Casting Crowns which always stirs in me a desire for Jesus to be seen in me.

Here’s the chorus to Only Jesus:
And I, I don’t want to leave a legacy, I don’t care if they remember me … Only Jesus

And I, I’ve only got one life to live … I’ll let every second point to Him … Only Jesus

My verse: “When Judas had eaten the bread, Satan entered into him …”  John 13:27a

My response: Lord, did Judas hear the conversation? When Jesus dipped the bread and gave it to him, did he still have a choice to NOT do this awful thing? I wonder. It’s interesting to me that Satan entered him after Judas ate that bread. Oh, Father, I have so many questions! I wonder if they’ll be answered in Heaven and the learning will be rich and continued. Either way, I trust You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

What’s next?

As the Spirit leads, share what He has laid on your heart in the comment section below.  Then join us again tomorrow for the next commentary.

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Week 2 Scriptures
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October 4 – Luke 9:46-55