November 27. Day One



“The first candle symbolizes hope and is called the “Prophet’s Candle.” The prophets of the Old Testament, especially Isaiah, waited in hope for the Messiah’s arrival …” (

November 27 – Psalm 42

Hope. What a fascinating word. It has multiple meanings in our own world. When I say I hope it will snow or I hope my package will arrive today, I am expressing a wish that might or might not come true. Biblical hope is very different from that. The Bible tells us that our hope in God’s promises is “ … an anchor for the soul, firm and secure” (Hebrews 6:19 NIV). Our hope in what God says is not a wish. It’s a sure confidence and a happy longing and anticipation of what will come!

Our Psalm, today, is such a great example of this. The singer in this psalm is pretty discouraged. He’s longing for God and having a really hard time feeling His Presence. He’s discouraged. He’s besieged. He does not “see” that life is going to get better. So. What does he do? He remembers. He remembers Who God is – what He did and what He will do – and he puts his hope not in the current circumstances but in the unchanging, ever-faithful God. Let’s do the same, this week, as we study our passages. What verse in this wonderful psalm resonated with you? If you feel led, share it with us and let us discover more through what the Lord showed you today.

My verse: Psalm 42:8 “But each day the LORD pours out his unfailing love upon me, and through each night I sing his songs, praying to God who gives me life.”

My response: No matter what the day brings, Lord, help me to keep these beautiful truths in mind. You give me life and breath and daily pour Your love out on me. Help me to sing Your songs even on the darkest nights!

5 Minute Selah Moment – listen to a favorite Christmas song. If you don’t have a song of your own … spend 5 minutes worshiping with this beautiful song:


5 Comments. Leave new

  • That’s a beautiful song.
    My verse was the first one. As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, oh God.
    My response: I feel like the deer, I’m always desiring more and more of the Lord. I can always find myself dry and thirsty, like my soul gets so overwhelmed (by the troubles of this life) and dry so quickly. I need what only he can give, his Living Water where I thirst no more.

    My hope is in You Jesus. I choose You, Jesus, over and over till the day I die. You are my only hope in this life. May I be strengthened by my patient HOPE in my Savior.

    • Hi Kami, I love that verse, too. And I agree. I choose Jesus and hope in Him over and over and over … Amen! Glad you enjoyed the song. It’s a sweet one and seemed to fit with the HOPE theme. Oh, how this world needs the sure hope of Christ! Love you, friend, and am glad you are on this Advent journey with me.

  • Put your hope in God for I will yet praise him my Savior and my God. A choice of giving up or relying on God. I chose to seek my God’s face and heart, remembering all he has done in the passed. Blessed be the Lord.

    • It’s a choice. You are SO right, Debbie. And sometimes it’s a hard one. But oh, the blessings, of moving toward God in troubles. He’s the source of all comfort and strength! I agree with you. Blessed be the Lord.


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