March 10 – 2 Timothy 1:1-18

Lesson: He Guards

Dear Lord, bless our time with you today.  Meet us where we are at, guide our minds, and hold our hearts as we search You.

Request Gods’ help

Read 2 Timothy 1:1-18

Record a verse that stands out to you

Respond to God

To protect, to cherish, to hold dear, to save for an appointed time, defend, shield, shepherd, custodian.

These are all synonyms for the word ‘guard’.  So what is so worth guarding that the Holy Spirit deems it worthy to add onto His already long list of “to do’s”?  The answer is twofold… the good news of Jesus (the truth) and yooouuuuuu!

Like a king who makes a downpayment (his promise) then seals it and then, if it’s extra special, he sets a guard in place to protect it.  God has done that with our hearts, with our salvation, He has set the Spirit as a guard.  No one can come like a thief in the night and steal your salvation, no matter how cunning and sneaky.  That war has already been waged and it has been won!  He is the victor!  And you, dear one, are who He chose to save.

With that saving comes great responsibility because we are to then guard the truth with the help of the Holy Spirit!  There are not enough exclamation points to satisfy just how amazing this guard actually is.  God is our Father, Jesus our Savior, and the Holy Spirit, He is our guardian, our shield and our defense.  The Great Defender is protecting the good news that is within you.  Jesus is that good news!  He is the treasure housed within you, the temple, the dwelling place.

In my many years of Navy time, I spent countless hours standing various watches and guards.  I guarded my ship and her people, I guarded entire fleets of ships and swaths of air crafts.  I guarded our country and we even had this tiny fire watch that we had to rotate through.  Depending on the watch I was armed with air craft, missiles, rockets, 9mm guns, shot guns… or a fire extinguisher.  Standing the watch is one of the most demanding, sleepless, food-less, selfless acts someone could do for another, for a mission.  And yet it still pales in comparison to the Spirit’s guard of you, His chosen one, and the good news of Jesus.

How do we make this applicable, how does it look in real time?  1 Timothy 6 lays it out for us.  We are to flee the things that keep us from God. We are to pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, and gentleness.  We are to live lives that are pleasing to Him, that bring honor to Him.  Fight the fight, flee from bad. I know it’s hard. Trying to live that Christ-like life is not always roses and butterflies.  It’s hard and can be so lonely, and we can feel so ill prepared.  But know, in those moments there is the Spirit within you giving you the strength.  Draw near to the Lord, arm yourself in His truth, and you will find your sure footing.

The Holy Spirit never tires of standing the watch, He never tires of fighting off attacks.  He never tires of you.  You are not alone.  When attacks are coming at you from every possible angle, when you are weary and all hope seems lost… you are not alone.  He is there, wide awake and armed and He is fighting for you.

Grace be with you as you fight against those who would try to steal you from the Great Shepherd.

Grace be with you as you discern truth from falsehoods.

Grace is with you.

Dear Heavenly Father,  we praise You for You are the good news!!!!!  We thank you for our salvation, for your grace, for your mercy that you shower upon us day after day.  We thank You for this Guardian within us who protects us from those who would try to steal us from you.  You are our Rock and our Ever Present Help.


(Further reading: 1 Timothy 6:11-21)

What’s next?

As the Spirit leads, in the comment section below, share what He has laid on your heart.

Then join us again tomorrow to learn about the ministry of divine revelations.

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Sharon Gamble
    March 10, 2024 11:16 pm

    My verse: 2 Timothy 1:8c ” … with the strength God gives you, be ready to suffer with me for the sake of the Good News.”

    My response: I’m so thankful for this reminder, Lord. I hate pain and You know suffering scares me. All You are asking is for me to “be ready” if You ask me to suffer. I don’t have to find the strength to do it — You’ll give that strength to me. How thankful I am, that with the assignment – whatever it is – You provide the means to complete it. Our job is simply to be ready and accept and receive what you’ve allowed and ordained. You will help us all the way through.


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