June 8. I Kings 3:1-28

Hey! It’s the weekend again. This means you and I have studied together for one entire week. May I stop a moment and applaud? It’s not easy to do this every day. It’s not easy to come back if you’ve missed a day (or three) and try again. And yet, here you are. Ready to seek the Lord through the pages of His Word. And if you are here, reading this, you have already read the passage for today. Well done. You’ve read this fascinating account showing some of Solomon’s first decisions. You know what? They really were wise!

My verse: I Kings 3:27 “Then the king gave his ruling: Give the living baby to the first woman. Do not kill him; she is his mother.”

My response: Father, how wise Solomon was to see his great need for discernment! And how amazing that he listened to these “least ones.” Women, who were not given as high a places as men, and prostitutes, whose place was even lower. It’s not even as though Solomon thought prostitution was okay. He warns against it repeatedly in Proverbs. Yet, there he is, listening intently to their case, and figuring out a way to uncover the truth. Thank You, Lord, for THIS example of his wisdom, for it shows he cared for all the people in his land … even two prostitutes. Help me, Lord, to treat all people with that kind of respect, listening to them and acknowledging their troubles. And please, Holy Spirit, give me a discerning heart as well that I might always know what is right and good and true.

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