June 7 – Isaiah 11-12

I love how Isaiah, though God’s inspiration, interlaces terrible prophecies with beautiful promises of a future far better than anything we could ask or imagine. I absolutely love the thought that some day “the wolf and the lamb will lie down together.” I’ve never been a fan of those nature shows where we watch as one animal tears another apart. I’m super glad that will not be a part of the world to come. I’m fascinated with the thought that “the lion will eat hay like a cow.” Wow. How will God change and rearrange the lion’s insides and instincts so that is possible? I have no idea, but it surely makes me happy.

One of the difficulties with prophecies is placing them in a time line. Isaiah was granted many visions and glimpses into the future, but we don’t necessarily understand the chronology of it all. For example, he saw that Jesus would come and be born of a virgin. That part has happened and is fulfilled. Yet, this passage we read today is still to come. All Isaiah can offer us is glimpses. Aren’t they lovely and intriguing?

And then, in Chapter 12, he bursts into praise after seeing such amazing future events. “God has come to save me. I will trust in him and not be afraid.” Yes! The truth that kept Isaiah going, and that keeps us going on the hard days is that our God saves and we can trust Him. The future kingdom will be a delightful, amazing, totally awesome place. Someday, “the Holy One of Israel (will live) among (us)” (from Isaiah 12:6b). OH rejoice! Better days are coming. Let’s be diligent to share this good news while there is still time.

My verse: Isaiah 11:9 “Nothing will hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain, for as the waters fill the sea, so the earth will be filled with people who know the LORD.”

My response: I have this picture, Lord, of rivers and brooks merging together and all of them flowing down to the ocean and into it – that the day will come when the desire to know You will be that strong! Thank You for this beautiful glimpse into a time yet to come, when even the animals will no longer destroy one another, but live in peace.


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