June 6. John 13:1-17

GRACE LESSONS: It’s amazing to me how often Peter interferes with Jesus’ lessons. And yet, Jesus extends him grace time and time again, patiently teaching Peter God’s way of doing things and re-directing Peter from his way to God’s way. Peter never gets kicked out of the gang, does he? He is continually loved and taught, patiently, carefully and with great purpose. Oh the marvelous grace of God who gave undeserved favor to Peter, and who extends that self-same grace to us who follow Him as well.

OUR PASSAGE: This is such a unique passage. Jesus did unusual things and created object lessons that would not be forgotten. This is clearly one of them. He bent to do the lowliest, dirtiest work of all, although He was the One whose sandals none of us are worthy to untie … What a Savior! We watch Peter try to run the show and then, in humbled state submitting to exactly what Jesus wanted to do: simply wash Peter’s feet.

My verse: John 13:15 “I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done for you.”

My response: You made it very clear, Lord. You showed us how Christians should act toward others. With humility and care, we too are to do the lowly things that are needed. No one is “above” a lowly task. Even the Son of God bent down and cleaned dirty feet. So should we. So should I. Help me to say “yes” to whatever tasks you place in front of me, Lord. Help me to be like You.

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