June 5. Proverbs 6

We’ve skipped ahead a couple of chapters, today. How are you doing? Has it become a happy habit to reach for your Bible and journal and turn to the next assignment? I hope so? How are you doing with the 4R’s? Which is the hardest for you: REQUEST … READ … RECORD … or … RESPOND? I confess that the step I sometimes miss is the REQUEST step. And I always suffer when I do! It really matters. God wants us to come to Him and ask. When we do, He answers in amazing ways.

My verse: Proverbs 6:17 “haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood”

My response: Father, this list of things You hate begins with “haughty eyes.” And I can see that all the malicious and willfully evil things that follow in the list would start there. When we are prideful, looking down on others with a disrespect and a dishonor to their innate value as Your creation, we have already walked away from You. We’ve elevated ourselves. And disaster surely will follow. Please, Lord, reprimand me whenever I get haughty. Keep me under You! Give me loving, kind, gentle eyes that see the value in others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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