June 5. Matthew 17:1-13

GRACE LESSONS: I can’t even imagine what it must have been like on that mountain top. Jesus suddenly transformed into this being of light and brightness and joined by two others. A stunning, surreal moment for sure. And Peter decides to talk and offer to build something for everyone. His enthusiasm is wonderful. His idea was not accepted. But God extended grace to Peter as He spoke an answer and re-directed Peter. As always, over and over, Peter is told to stop leading and suggesting and to simply follow Christ. We all are called to this, aren’t we? We are called to lay aside our own agendas and seek His agenda for our lives. He made us. He sees the future and the past. He knows the best path for our feet. Let’s follow Him wherever He leads.

OUR PASSAGE: Our passage gives us more insight into Peter’s personality. It also shows us God’s holiness in a remarkable way, and affirms that Jesus is indeed the Son of God as well as the Son of Man. It’s an astounding scene, hard for us to imagine in its different-ness from ordinary life. It’s just one more affirmation in a long line of them, that God truly did take on flesh and dwell among us over 2000 years ago.

My verse: Matthew 17:5 “But even as he spoke, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, ‘This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy. Listen to Him.”

My response: When Peter babbled a bit, God spoke and told him to listen!! And God declared His love for Jesus. God is Love and Love shows itself here in God’s great joy for His Son!  Help me, Lord, to listen more. I, too, babble a lot.

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