June 3. Proverbs 1

Hello everyone, we spent the weekend looking at Solomon’s start in life. Now, we are going to start examining some of his sayings in Proverbs. He asked for wisdom and God gave it. So, these sayings are wise and good and true. Do remember, though, that a proverb is not a promise for everyone at every time. Not everyone who wakes early and works hard lives a long life, for example. But the probability is, that if you work hard and are diligent you will live a long life. I like how the Navigators word this in their LifeChange book on Proverbs. Let me quote it for you here:

“It is important to note that the proverbs are not intended to be promises that are invariably true without exception. They are general principles or guidelines that are usually but not always true. The books of Job and Ecclesiastes were written to correct people who believed that such teachings of wisdom as ‘the righteous will be healthy and wealthy, the wicked will die young’ were iron-clad laws. The overall message of Scripture is that the proverbs are true enough to live your life by, and that God always has wise reasons when He makes exceptions.”

So … have you read Proverbs 1, found your verse and responded to the Lord about it? GOOD for you! Read on:

My verse is Proverbs 1:15: “My son, do not go along with them, do not set foot on their paths.”

My response: It seems that human nature does not change, dear Lord! Even then, the temptation to follow the wrong crowd was present. Lord, I love this advice! Don’t “go along” with them – I have no business even setting a foot on that path. Thank You for marking out a path for each of us. Your path is the good one. Help me to stay on it always, never “going along” with others when I know they are leading me off the path You’ve chosen for me!

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