June 3. Matthew 14:22-36

GRACE LESSONS: We see Peter here at his impetuous best in this story of his brief walk on water. As soon as he knew it was Jesus out in the storm, he wanted to go be with Him. He asks permission and is granted it and off he goes, walking on water. What a moment! But then, the enthusiasm wanes and the reality and human impossibility of his situation overwhelms him. The same guy who asked to walk on water is now asking to be saved. And Jesus in His grace saves Peter from drowning. Even when we are in trouble because of our own rash decisions or our own inability to do something we thought we could do, our God in His grace will help us if we cry out to Him. That’s how grace works. It’s undeserved. It’s why it humbles us. How I thank God for His grace!

OUR PASSAGE: Take some time to imagine the crazy wildness of that night. The storm. The bizarre first sight of a human being walking on water toward the boat. Then, watching Peter hop on over and walk for a little bit himself. It would be one of those moments that etch themselves on a mind, as all strange and extraordinarily scary or thrilling moments tend to do. How amazing to be a disciple and see all of this!

My verse: Matthew 14:32-33 “When they climbed back in to the boat, the wind stopped. Then the disciples worshiped Him. ‘You really are the Son of God!’ they exclaimed.”

My response: I had forgotten, I guess, that twice—nor just once—you made a storm stop and caused waves to suddenly be still. And this time, Lord, it was after walking on a stormy sea. No wonder they fell to their knees in worship and awe!

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