June 28 – Isaiah 61

What a beautiful chapter. It’s rich with imagery that helps us “see” better!

… crowns of beauty

… great oaks planted for His glory

… dressed with the clothing of salvation

… robes of righteousness

… a bride with her jewels

… righteousness springing up like a garden

Each image is an attempt by our Isaiah to describe the beauty that is to come when God makes the world anew for us, binding up the broken-hearted and setting the captives free. No wonder Isaiah declares in verse 10, “I am overwhelmed with joy in the LORD my God!” Isaiah saw the mess his people had made. He saw the mess all peoples make, walking away from the good and choosing the selfish and the ugly instead. And yet here is the LORD our God clothing us in righteousness not our own and welcoming us to the wedding feast. Overwhelming, indeed.

I suspect that Isaiah, if asked, would tell us that what he was privileged to see and share was of such great value that he would do it again, despite the pain and hardship that went with the job of prophet. If he truly was sawed in two at the end of his life, I think these visions of what was to come would have sustained and helped him tremendously. God’s saints do not get promised easy lives. But we are promised eternal life with Him. And that is worth it all.

My verse: Isaiah 61:10a “I am overwhelmed with joy in the LORD my God! For he has dressed me with the clothing of salvation and draped me in a robe of righteousness.”

My response: To be saved and made clean. To have no stain or blemish – no shame or condemnation … overwhelming JOY indeed. Isaiah saw it centuries ago, Lord, and we are the recipients of Your salvation. Your grace bestowed on us. You are the lifter of my head!


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June 27 – Isaiah 60