June 2. Matthew 8:14-22; I Corinthians 9:5

GRACE LESSONS: When Peter heard the call to follow Christ, it seems like he did not know what it would involve. He just obeyed. And yet, notice how Jesus cares for Peter’s wife as well as for Peter. Peter didn’t just abandon her. He and his friends, including Jesus, were in his home that day when Jesus healed his mother-in-law. We don’t know the whole story, but we can trust that Jesus showed favor to Peter’s wife as well. We will see in the I Corinthians passage that she, also, was a believer. She met Jesus and she loved and followed Him, too. Like Peter, our Lord is interested in our family members, too. For God so loved the world. That includes those that are dear to us who don’t yet know Him. We can trust Him to meet with them and show Himself to them as well.

OUR PASSAGE: We catch a glimpse of what Peter’s life was like in this passage. It was busy. Full of crowds of people coming and going, begging for healing and wanting to hear Jesus speak. It wasn’t a comfortable life. Jesus had no elaborate palace or even a hut to call His own. Peter went where Jesus went and that meant some rugged outdoor days and hikes.

My verse: Matthew 8:20 “But Jesus replied, ‘Foxes have dens to live in, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place even to lay his head.”

My response: Lord Jesus, You made it very clear that following You was not going to be all safe and cozy. No elaborate silks and fancy rooms. Your followers slept on the hard ground a lot of the time, I suspect, as You did. Lord, I confess that my comfortable life is something I probably love too much. Help me to be grateful for all I have, but not feel entitled to it. It should not be a necessity to me. Oh Lord, help me to follow you to the degree that I’d sleep outdoors on hard ground to be near You! Amen.

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