June 18. Proverbs 27.

Hey everyone, I didn’t choose Proverbs 27:14, but it made me laugh. (“If anyone loudly blesses their neighbor early in the morning, it will be taken as a curse.”) Why would this make me laugh, you say? Well … in the first days of our marriage, I was that loud blessing kind of person early in the morning. I wake up quickly and energetically and I was full of vigor and vim as I would chatter away to my husband, assaulting him with many happy words upon his rising. Ray, on the other hand, Needs Coffee First. Plenty of it. I had to learn that the best gift I could give my not-a-morning-person guy was my silence! I needed to go cheerily chatter somewhere else. Ha! However, that is not the verse God gave me. Read below, and be sure you are practicing those 4R’s every day as you study with us: REQUEST … READ … RECORD … RESPOND. It’s such a sweet and personal way to study!

My verse: Proverbs 27:9 “Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of one’s friend springs from his earnest counsel.”

My response: Thank You, Lord, for my friends. They DO bring joy to my heart. And “earnest counsel” implies friends who care enough about the details of my life to enter in to my story. To give good advice. To pray. To care. Oh, they are indeed sweet fragrance! Help me to be the same to them.

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