June 12. Proverbs 15.

Oh how glad I am you are still doing this study. It’s easy to start a study with enthusiasm, but sometimes it’s hard to sustain that energy. We also don’t study in a vacuum, do we? We have families that demand attention. Crises happen. Illness happens. Busyness gets its grip on us and it’s very hard to shake it loose. However, no matter what threatens to interfere with our quiet times with God, let’s remember that starting with Him is the very best way to handle threatening things. So, here’s a round of applause for you, twelve days into this study and still persisting, still seeking, still learning. I thank God for your faithfulness.

My verse: Proverbs 15:18 “A hot-tempered man stirs up dissension, but a patient man calms a quarrel.”

My response: Lord, thank You for this reminder that calming a quarrel – when both sides are all riled up – requires patience. Help me to rein in my own tongue when I get angry, so I don’t make everything worse. Give me patience to “wait out” the adrenaline rush of anger … to turn to You for help … so I give the gentle answer that turns away wrath. Give me patience, Lord, to seek You first, and wait for Your Holy Spirit’s aid.

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