June 1. Matthew 4:1-22

GRACE LESSON: We meet Peter in this passage, just doing his job. A blue collar non-student. He’s fishing, like he does every day. Yet he along with his brother and two other brothers were called – by God’s grace and not their own ability – to follow Christ. Grace is undeserved favor. They didn’t “earn” this by being exceptionally astute. They were chosen for their hearts that would drop everything in a nano-second to follow the One who called. God’s not looking for brilliant and accomplished people. He’s looking for willing followers. In His grace, He also calls us to come and follow Him. We, also, don’t have to be particularly smart or strong or fancy. We, too, have received His gracious favor and the undeserved pardon that goes with it.

OUR PASSAGE: This passage deals with Jesus’ wilderness time as well as the calling of Peter. Jesus endures great temptation from the devil. It’s an incredible read. Your verse does not have to be a verse that speaks of Peter. Read the passage and choose the verse that moves you most. We want to learn about Peter, yes. Even more, we always want to look to Jesus, the One Peter followed.

My verse: Matthew 1:17 “From then on Jesus began to preach, ‘Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.”

My response: Lord Jesus, Your message, right from the beginning, dealt with a rescue from sin. Sin enslaves and captures and deadens us. Repentance and a turning to You is what frees us. Thank You for that rescue, Lord, in my own life. Keep me turned toward You and Your kingdom. Amen.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Debbie Allen
    June 2, 2020 11:51 am

    Hi Sharon; I chose verse 16. The people living in darkness have seen a great light, on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned. We must live as children of the light during these trying times. Jesus is our light, guiding us through our trials. My words and actions must reflect my love for Jesus and my faith.

    • Sharon Gamble
      June 2, 2020 12:15 pm

      I like that phrase, Debbie. Children of the light! And may we have grace and boldness to share that light with others! Thanks for sharing.


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