We will be reading Habakkuk in very small bites over our three weekends together. I thought it might be helpful to give you a little information about this unknown prophet. This is what we know:

  • The name, Habakkuk, means embrace. Perhaps we can look at this book, filled with questions and frustrations at a wicked world as a Big Embrace, as Habakkuk takes us on his journey and asks God the hard things.
  • Some people speculate that Habakkuk was part of the Levitical family. Specifically, one of the musicians who led worship. This is because Chapter 3 is written as a song.
  • Habakkuk was written sometime between 612 B.C. and the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C.
  • “And so the story of Habakkuk is the story of the journey from doubt to faith. How did Habakkuk get there? The same way you and I may get there. He talked with God. He brought his questions and his complaints directly to God, and he hammered out the answers in prayer.”  Ray Fowler

The quote, above, is taken from the finest series of sermons I’ve ever read on this little book of the Bible. If you would like to read more, click here:

Habakkuk Who???

You will be brought to Ray Fowler’s blog, and the section of sermons on Habakkuk.   Enjoy!  (Fun Fact: Ray Fowler is my brother and a pastor of a church in Florida. So we are well-acquainted.)

As we read this little book, let’s remember to REQUEST God’s help in understanding. I think we will all be able to identify with Habakkuk’s questions about God’s fairness and with his frustration that the bad guys seem to be winning. Lord, teach us, as we study Your Word. Amen.

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