I’ve always loved “the disciple Jesus loved” and even wrote my first Bible Study on the gospel he wrote. I think part of the reason I enjoy John so much is exactly because he chose to “name” himself the one Jesus loved. Our John, who started out a rough fisherman and was nicknamed a “Son of Thunder*” – ends up talking long and loud and often … about God’s love. John never got over being amazed that he – rough-edged, inconsequential younger son of a fisherman, John – was loved deeply by the King of kings.

So … having written a Bible Study on his gospel, I kinda wanted to keep going. And that’s how we got our subject material for our fall online Bible Study. We’ll start with a seven day look at John as he grows up from the very young man who met Jesus, perhaps in his late teens, to the older man who wrote some beautiful letters to the church and who saw the literal end of the world unfold in visions too marvelous to completely describe. As we journey, let’s watch him change. And … let’s learn from this man who followed the Lord all the days of his very long life.

Remember that John saw a whole lot of suffering in his lifetime. The high point of his life came early, when Jesus rose from the dead and walked and talked with him and the other disciples, and then when Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to indwell him, living within him for the rest of his natural life. But the outer life John lived was sad in many ways. His brother James was the first disciple killed, but every other disciple, with the exception of John, was also killed over the course of his life. John was literally the last man standing. Keep that in mind as you read his profound words in his letters and in the book of Revelation. John witnessed much suffering. John never stopped loving his God and desiring to serve Him no matter the circumstances. May his life inspire us, as we also live in uncertain and scary times!

Are you ready? Let’s go. If you’ve never done a study with us before, please read the Sweet Selah Bible Studies Guide first. Otherwise, head on over to our first day’s lesson. Please remember to do the reading and the writing out of your verse and response before you read my thoughts! It’s always most important for you to meet with God yourself. Then, check out what I learned as I read.  I’ll see you there!

“James son of Zebedee and his brother John (to them he gave the name Boanerges,
which means “sons of thunder”),” –Mark 3:17


October 1 – Luke 5:1-11

Dear Lord God, we come before You in worship and praise, for You are the orchestrator of Your creation.  Be with us as we spend time with You, and guide us to what You want to show us.

Such a slight reference to John in this passage! We read a whole lot more about Simon Peter and his awe at what Jesus did, bringing him so much fish that the nets were breaking than we do about our John. But we learn one thing about this younger brother and partner to Simon. He was amazed at the catch of fish and at the man who preached a sermon from his friend’s boat. John met Jesus first as a teacher and a miracle worker. And he was amazed. He was SO amazed, in fact, that he up and left everything, Luke tells us. Just walked away from fish and boats and a secure job and followed a man he did not yet know well. That decision changed the whole trajectory of John’s life and it speaks a lot to his awe of the Lord and his humble heart to simply follow. That’s how John’s life with Jesus began. A choice to leave behind all he knew to follow the Son of God. And he did this, it appears, without any reservation or doubt. That makes John mighty special in my book. 😊

My verse: Luke 5:11, “And as soon as they landed, they left everything and followed Jesus.”

My response: Father, I am so humbled by John’s instant obedience and desire to just be with Jesus and to go wherever He went. Help me to more quickly follow Your promptings in my life. I truly do want to be with You every moment, Lord. Keep me close, please. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

What’s next?

As the Spirit leads, share what He has laid on your heart in the comment section below.  Then join us again tomorrow for the next commentary.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • I know we are focusing on John in this study but this morning it is Peter’s example that stood out to me. And Simon answered, “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.” (verse 5). May I be attentive to His voice and answer with immediate obedience even when the request seems strange or goes against what I think that I know.

  • Sharon Gamble
    October 2, 2024 6:58 am

    Yes. To immediately obey – even when the request seems “useless” – Peter is a great example, here. May we trust God enough to do what Peter did!


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