Hello friends,  It’s time to get started. Do you have your journal ready? A pen? Your Bible? That is ALL you need except for one more critical ingredient: Prayer. Each day, starting June 1st, before you even read your assignment, make sure you pray and request God’s help and insight. Read our article entitled “What You Need for the Get Smart Study” please. It will show you the format we follow.

When you start on June 1st, this Saturday, you will start the study of Solomon’s life with the story of his birth and beginnings. June 2nd will move you forward to his accession to the throne. Weekends will be devoted to Solomon’s story. I’ll have a post every day, sharing with you what I learned as I read these passages.

On Monday, June 3rd, you will dive in to reading the wisdom of Solomon. God gave him greater wisdom than any other at his time. His proverbs and writings will teach us as the Holy Spirit illuminates what we are reading. I am so eager to study and glean from his wisdom and God’s Word to us!!

So … here are the first week’s readings. They are listed in the picture with this article. You can also find them on our main page. If you want to keep a copy of them tucked in your Bible, copy and paste to a Word document and then print them out. Or, pop on here each day and check to see what your assignment is, okay?

BIG RULE: Please do the reading and your own recording of a verse and response (See the What You Need for the Get Smart Study article for what that looks like) BEFORE you read my commentary. The goal is for you … yes you … to read and ask God to teach you directly. Only then should you read my added thoughts. I firmly believe that the Bible is living and active and that God speaks through it to ordinary folk. So … choose your time and place to start on Saturday, and I’ll be back to chat with you then.

Let’s pray:  Father, help us as we study your Word. Speak to us through it, Lord. Teach us from Solomon’s life and from his proverbs. Give us reminders to meet with You each and every day in June, soaking up Your truths. Move, Holy Spirit, as we seek You and help the end result be that we are more in love with You, our awesome God than we are today!!  In the Mighty Name of Jesus … Amen.

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