Welcome, friends! I am super excited about this study, because Solomon has always intrigued me. He was so smart as a young man, asking God for HIS wisdom to run the country. And God GAVE that wisdom to Solomon. But then, he was so NOT smart in having thousands of wives (I can’t even wrap my mind around this thought) and then choosing women who worshiped other gods, leading him astray. So let’s learn together, shall we? ALL Scripture is God-breathed and can teach us. I can’t wait to dig in with you. Watch for postings giving you the details on what to read coming soon. The study starts June 1st.

6 Comments. Leave new

  • Tricia Koerner
    May 28, 2019 11:42 pm

    Looking forward to it!

    • Sharon Gamble
      May 29, 2019 12:27 am

      Tricia! SO glad you are joining this study. It’s going to be great having you a part of it. Love you, friend!

  • sharon, is there a download or how/what to do to join your study?

    • Sharon Gamble
      May 29, 2019 11:38 pm

      Hi CJ!! Welcome to the study! If you want to do this interactively, your best bet is to join our Facebook Group. Search for @sweetselahministries and then click groups and click our GET SMART group. If you like the idea of working on it on your own, reading my comments daily, just check in each day to the website starting June 1st for updates. If you read our main page and scroll down, you will also see the daily reading assignments listed there. Simply copy and paste them to a blank document and print. All you need is a journal, a pen and a Bible. Can’t wait to start!

  • Tricia E Ayers
    May 30, 2019 11:23 am

    I would like to join this study. How do I do it and how will it work? 🙂
    Thank you.

    • Sharon Gamble
      May 30, 2019 11:26 am

      Hi Tricia, All you need to do is come to this website each day and you will get instructions! In fact, I am about to post some helpful instructions for our June 1st start right now. Stay tuned and welcome to the study!!


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