
Thoughts at Christmas Time
Part One of Four

Tell Daughter Zion
“Look, your King is coming to you,
gentle, and mounted on a donkey,

even on a colt,
the foal of a beast of burden.”

—Matthew 21:5 HCSB

He didn’t arrive with trumpets blaring. He didn’t rush in on super-hero wings, triumphant and ready to smash His enemies to bits. No. Jesus slipped quietly and gently into Earth’s atmosphere via the womb of a pregnant teenage girl. Far from home, she gave birth in a stable because there was no room for her anywhere else.

Jesus grew up without fanfare. He obeyed His parents even when He longed to study the Torah in the temple. Once, on a visit to Jerusalem, even though He was enjoying the richness of study—while his parents were looking long and hard to find Him—Jesus came obediently home with them. In fact, long after that event, He stayed in Nazareth, quietly working and living with His family. Few outside Nazareth and his family circle even knew Him until He was thirty years old.

When Jesus began preaching, teaching, healing, and attracting huge crowds, His gentleness was still evident in the way He touched lepers and noticed a random woman who grasped the hem of His garment. He preached an upside-down lifestyle: Love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you, forgive, choose to serve rather than be served, be generous, don’t worry, love others as you hope they would love you. His lessons astounded. His personal life did as well. He had no permanent home. He often slept outdoors on the ground. He humbly received money from women who helped support Him and His disciples. He showed gentleness to sinners and seekers, reserving harsh words only for the proud and the hard-hearted.

Jesus described Himself as gentle and urged us to come to Him: “‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls (Matthew 11:28-29 NIV). He was also gentle with children, holding and blessing them, making time for them despite adults clamoring to hear from Him.

Jesus came gently to this world, not as a judge but as a Savior. “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him” (John 3:17 NIV). This first coming of our Savior and King was a rescue mission. Although He had all the power and authority of God, able to call legions of angels to respond in a nanosecond, He mostly kept that power sheathed. He came to woo us, to save us by His death, to take our sins on Himself and receive the punishment rightly due us, and He was victorious over death itself.

Even His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, predicted by Old Testament prophets, was gentle. No war horse and armored cavalcade for Him. No. A little donkey carried Him toward the great sacrifice He chose to make on our behalf. As Matthew said in our verse above, quoting from Zechariah 9:9, “… your King is coming to you, gentle …” (NCV). As we reflect on Jesus’ entrance into the world over 2000 years ago, the question we all must answer is this: Will we bow before the gentle King of kings, who came to rescue us?

King Jesus, I am in awe of Your first coming. Your restraint and gentled power showed us a depth of love and care like nothing else could have. Thank You for entering our world and showing us Yourself. Thank You for Your rescue. Help me to worship You and never grow tired of marveling at Your choice to help me when I could in no way help myself. Thank You for wanting me with You so much that You were willing to come and live among us and die for me and all who will come to You—You who are gentle and humble of heart. Merry Christmas, Lord Jesus! Amen.

You are loved,




Sweet Selah Ministries

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