February 6. Acts 4:1-31

Happy Saturday! Just look at you on here reading this! You managed to find time, even on the weekend, to meet with the Lord. Well done! One of the HARDEST things about doing this study was I only had 28 days in which to share the highlights of John’s story. There were so many passages I had to leave out. Ah well. I hope those who want more will continue into March, digging into more stories about John! For now, we’ve moved from life with Jesus with John physically, to life with the Holy Spirit within John spiritually.

As I read through this passage, I was struck by the word bold. It’s used several times as Luke describes an incident where Peter and John had healed a lame man, well known to have been crippled for over 40 years, in the Name of Jesus and who were now boldly proclaiming the good news that Jesus conquered death and eternal life with Him was available to all who came to Him in faith. I mean. Wow. Their bold preaching had already yielded 5,000 male converts and who knows how many women and children as well? This was a movement with huge momentum in an age without any electronics with which to reach millions at one time.

They are arrested and Luke chronicles the religious leaders’ astonishment at their boldness in Luke 4:13: “The members of the council were amazed when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, for they could see that they were ordinary men with no special training in the Scriptures. They also recognized them as men who had been with Jesus.” Both Peter and John were bold! Peter had always been ready to talk, and John hadn’t been at all timid back in the day, himself, asking to sit right next to Jesus in His Kingdom. These guys were chosen for a reason! Their naturally bold temperaments combined with the Holy Spirit within and a life forever shaped by their years with Jesus resulted in an amazing confidence.

Once they are released, they and the other believers are undeterred in their commitment to keep on boldly declaring all that God had revealed. Luke 4: 29 tells us they prayed, “And now, O Lord, hear their threats, and give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word.” Can you imagine the electricity in that place as they praised God and declared His greatness in prayer, and then said give us great boldness to keep this up no matter what?! Oh the excitement and JOY that must have propelled them at this time! I want that kind of excitement now, as the days draw ever closer to the second return of our Savior. Oh, let’s not waste them! Let’s share the gospel with boldness and joy!

My verse: Acts 4:29  “And now, O Lord, hear their threats, and give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word.”

My response: What was the response of Peter and John to being arrested and ordered not to teach about Jesus? They prayed with the believers. And they didn’t pray protect us and keep us safe. They asked for great boldness to continue to share the good news. Lord, please give me greater boldness. I tend to want to just be safe, but help me to be bold when You have an assignment for me, Your servant.

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