
December 6 – Micah 5:1-5a

Faith. Today, we read an obscure prophet who was told by God that Messiah, Savior of all, would be born in the obscure little town of Bethlehem. I love how God delights in using apparently insignificant places and people. And … don’t you love that God assures us that this Savior will lead His flock like a shepherd? Jesus declared that He was the good Shepherd. He knows us by name and we belong to Him, the sheep of His pasture. There’s such warmth in that. Sheep are pretty clueless and vulnerable on their own, easily falling victim to predators and illnesses. They need a shepherd to care for them. We are just as clueless and vulnerable and small. Let’s delight in being near Him, the One who laid down His life for His sheep.

My verse: Micah 5:2 “But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, are only a small village among all the people of Judah. Yet a ruler of Israel, whose origins are in the distant past, will come from you on my behalf.”

My response: Oh Lord, You use small things to bring about greatness over and over. Five loaves and two fish to feed thousands, a tiny can of oil that continually pours, an insignificant youngest son in a small village to become a great king from whom will come The King of kings, and Jesus, born to small people in a small town not even their own. You do great things through the small. I praise You!

5 Minute Selah Moment – pray for those for whom Christmas will be a sad day and ask God to bring comfort

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