December 25th – Matthew 10:16-31

Merry Christmas! God bless you if you found time to meditate on these verses today. Come back and read the commentary, my verse, and my response to God when you can.

  • Request God’s help.
  • Read Matthew 10:16-31
  • Record a verse that stands out to you.
  • Respond to God.

All set? Let’s see if we can find more gifts to unwrap.

“Beware of men,” Jesus warned. “Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” “I’m sending you out as sheep among wolves.” These are not words of comfort, but they are words of encouragement before entering a battle. And, although Jesus sent the Apostles to the Jews alone, He also prepared them for the persecution that would lead them to testify before governors and kings (Gentiles) for His sake.

My goodness, how appropriate this Christmas morning to talk about testifying about Jesus. It is a privilege. Although, I can imagine the Apostles asking the question, “What will we say to a king or a governor?” Yet, Jesus circumvents this distraction by telling them not to worry about that. The Holy Spirit will give them the words when needed, and they will most certainly share the most important truth–Jesus is the Savior and King!

Yet, the danger was real for the Apostles. If they said something to provoke influential people to anger, their death was inevitable. Fortunately, Jesus addresses both realities. 1. You will be persecuted because I was persecuted, and 2. You don’t have to fear because you are valuable to Me.

Is there ever a reason to fear man?

My Verse: Matthew 10:30-31: “But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.”

My Response: God’s love radiates from these two verses. God knows me better than I know myself. He knows how many hairs are on my head on any given day. My security is in His love for me, not what others think of me or how well I perform. I am valuable because I am His child, and so are you. What an awesome Christmas gift!

Father, Your Word is full of encouragement. Even here, when You share the reality of spiritual warfare, You validate and encourage with Your love. Give me the gift of encouragement, especially in hard times. Thank you for reminding me of my value and demonstrating Your perfect love. Amen.

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December 26th – Matthew 10:32-42
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