December 22nd – Matthew 9:14-26

Spend some time meditating on the Law versus grace. Then, come back and read the commentary, my verse, and my response to God.

  • Request God’s help.
  • Read Matthew 9:14-26
  • Record a verse that stands out to you.
  • Respond to God.

Come back and read the commentary when you’re done.

The age of grace is a privilege God’s followers have enjoyed since Jesus died and rose again on their behalf. No longer are we under the yoke of slavery to the Law of sin and death. But John the Baptist’s disciples followed the last Old Testament prophet. John’s entire ministry prepared the way for the Messiah, yet when the Messiah came, they had a hard time letting go of the old ways and embracing the new. Fasting was just one example of an outward obedient life. But Jesus was the fulfillment of the Law, and He ushered in the new wine of grace, giving us the Holy Spirit Who guides us in all righteousness. Therefore, where the Law exposed sin and caused death, grace covered it and brought all who believed into a new life in Christ.

Then, while Jesus was still speaking, He was interrupted by a “ruler” who worshipped Him. In reverence and humility, this ruler boldly asked Jesus for the life of his child, who had already died.

“My daughter has just died,” he said, “but come and lay Your hand on her and she will live.” (V18). Ah! The simple faith and bold prayer of a father! Jesus immediately rose and followed the man. Yet, there was a detour. Something remarkable that took time. Jesus encountered a woman who had suffered for twelve years. Her faith compelled her to touch Jesus, and He saw her and blessed her, calling her “daughter.” Another Gospel tells us that the daughter of the ruler who died was twelve years old. So, for the entire life of the child, this woman had suffered physical and emotional pain. This day, both “daughters” were restored to new life in Christ.

How has Jesus touched you recently?

My Verse: Matthew 9:25: “But when the crowd was put outside, He went in and took her by the hand, and the girl arose.”

My Response: From previous scriptures, we know Jesus didn’t have to be present to heal the ruler’s daughter. Still, Jesus is vastly more intimate than we can imagine. Jesus wanted to be there physically. Jesus wanted to take her hand and look into her eyes as He helped her rise. But first, Jesus eliminated all distractions by removing the crowd of scoffers. Oh, how I need that!

Father, thank you for managing the crowd and putting out the scorners––those who distract from Your work. This twelve-year-old girl rose to a quiet room filled with love, acceptance, and worship. May we also wake to a quiet and calm heart every morning and experience Your love and acceptance as we worship. Fill me with reverence as I contemplate Your holiness and power. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Matthew 9:20 “Just then a woman who had suffered for twelve years with constant bleeding came up behind him. She touched the fringe of his robe,”

    Lord Jesus, You understand interruptions so well. And how difficult it is – in a human body – to respond to multiple needs at the same time. And yet, You handled them with grace and calm, stopping to be kind to that woman, even while on Your way to heal a little girl who had died. Help me to stop and be kind, even when I’m “too busy” to do so!!

  • Dear Marlene McKenna (author of this study), your description of Jesus’ healing of the girl – personally with her and removing all who would scoff so she rose to love and quiet and peace – beautiful. Thank you for helping me “see” that scene so well!


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December 23rd – Matthew 9:27-38
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