December 13th – Matthew 6:14-24

Spend time meditating about forgiveness before returning to read the commentary, my verse, and my response to God.

  • Request God’s help.
  • Read Matthew 6:14-24
  • Record a verse that stands out to you.
  • Respond to God.

Are you done? Great! Let’s dig in.

Forgiveness is a sensitive subject. However, there is no freedom from anger and bitterness without releasing the offense to God, no matter how horrendous. Fortunately, the cross doesn’t let us feel comfortable with unforgiveness. Because Jesus paid for all sin, I can safely and confidently release the offense to Him. The offender will either receive His grace or spend eternity in hell, separated from God. Judgement is the Lord’s.

Here, I’d like to pause to mention some repeated phrases in chapter six:

  1. Don’t be like the hypocrites
  2. seen by men/show others
  3. they have their reward
  4. your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

Whenever you see repeated phrases, pay attention. In this case, Jesus is warning us about self-righteousness. Whether it’s prayer, Bible study, or fasting, if your motive is not pure, it’s eternally worthless. For example, fasting was a common practice in Jewish culture and can be a powerful, spiritual experience between you and the LORD. However, if you just want people to think you’re super-spiritual, don’t expect a return on your investment.

Having said that, in this next section, Jesus seems to deviate. There is no mention of hypocrisy or rewards. Yet, He does mention treasure. Could it be the same thing? Whether it’s the praise of man or a new pair of earrings, God wants us to be free from idolatry. Storing our treasure in Heaven is a metaphor for motivation. For me, it was my husband and his salvation. For years, my happiness and comfort motivated me to pray for Marty’s salvation. But, when God broke through and gave me a heart of compassion, I started urgently praying for his salvation because he was headed for hell and destruction. That’s hard to admit, but I know it’s true. Therefore, stay focused on Jesus and His heart for you, and your motivation will be His love, not comfort, admiration, envy, money, success, or self-protection, just Jesus.

Can you keep a secret, or do you find yourself telling everyone all you do for the Lord?

My Verse: Matthew 6:21: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

My Response: What am I focused on? What do I think about? Whatever it is, if it’s not Jesus, it’s most likely an idol. Like sugar, idolatry becomes addicting. So, what’s the answer? Ask God to reveal anything in your life that you have set up in your heart in place of Him. Don’t worry. He will answer that prayer. He’s given us a beautiful roadmap to happiness, contentment, and joy!

Father, please search my heart and reveal anything unclean. Give me Your righteousness, and let me lay down all my filthy rags at the foot of the cross.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.


1 Comment. Leave new

  • Sharon’s verse: Matthew 6:15 “But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

    Father God, this verse is a bit terrifying to me. Oh Lord, strip me of bitterness, pride, anger and anything else that would keep me from forgiving another human being. Help me to be more like You – swift to forgive and ready to show mercy.


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