LIVE FREE Galatians Study Week Three

Day Twenty. January 29. Galatians 6:1-10

Oh, I do love these verses! Just LOOK at how Paul tells us to deal with someone who has been overcome with a sin. I see truth and love working hand in hand in Paul’s advice. Yes, we are to step in and help a fellow believer see that they’re doing wrong. But not as judgy self-righteous condemning people. No. We are to correct with gentleness and humility, fully aware that we are quite capable of sinning ourselves. And, in fact, we often do! We don’t look down on them. We come alongside them and help them up, reminding them of that beautiful grace we’ve been studying.

Let’s be kind helpers to those in trouble. Let’s be careful, ourselves, to follow the Spirit’s leading. Paul is quite blunt, isn’t he? If we give way to sinful desires, we are bound to reap regrets and sorrow and death. If we sow seeds of kindness and love and faithfulness, on the other hand, we will reap everlasting life and such joy!

Paul acknowledges that it can get tiring doing good. I love that. Because it can get tiring always being the one who is helping, listening, nurturing, forgiving … it surely can feel that way at times, anyways. But he encourages us not to give up. There will be a harvest. When the farmer plants his little, tiny corn kernel in spring, it takes several weeks until he even sees a little bit of green poking up from the ground, let alone full ears of corn swaying from corn stalks taller than himself. It’s the same with our sowing of kindness and gentleness. It takes awhile to reap that harvest, but Paul assures us to keep on keeping on. It will be worth it. I can tell you from my own life experience that he is absolutely right. It’s always worth it to do what pleases God. Even if the results and harvest are slow in showing up.


My verse: Galatians 6:3 “If you think you are too important to help someone, you are only fooling yourself. You are not that important.”

My response: This makes me laugh! Lord, whenever I’m in a place where I don’t want to get in the mess of a situation – whether it’s cleaning a bathroom or a person in need – help me remember this. “You are not that important!” You, Lord Jesus, knelt to clean smelly feet. Help me to be willing to do likewise.

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