Day Twelve – Luke 1:1-25


And we are finally in the New Testament, ladies! The yearning and longing of the Old Testament studies is over and here we are … re-living the beginning of the coming of Christ through our study of God’s Word. Please share your verses and comments below.

My verse: Luke 1:3-4 (I know. That’s two verses. But 4 alone does not make as much sense …) “Having carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I also have decided to write an accurate account for you, most honorable Theophilus, so you can be certain of the truth of everything you were taught.”

My thoughts: Lord God, I’m so grateful for Dr. Luke and his meticulous research! I love that my faith is anchored in historical FACT. Elizabeth and Zechariah were real people who suffered with childlessness through no fault of their own … and then were blessed to be the parents of John, who would “turn many Israelites to the Lord their God (vs 16)” SUCH a marvelous … true … story!!

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Agreeing v. 3-4. I am so grateful that God placed this hunger in my heart to know the truth. In a world so filled with deception and subtle manipulation of the facts, I am so thankful that Luke was inspired to accurately record these all important events.


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Day Thirteen – Luke 1:26-38
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