Oh, there are some sweet characters in the Christmas story … I love reading about each one. How about you? Share your thoughts below, friends.
My verse: Luke 2:34b, 35 ” … He has been sent as a sign from God, but many will oppose Him. As a result, the deepest thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your very soul.”
My response: Along with Simeon’s very real and genuine rejoicing that he had, indeed, lived to see Messiah (I love that he was “eagerly waiting .. vs. 25) came a warning. It’s almost like Simeon became a prophet and “saw” the rejection of the Messiah. He fore-saw many religious leaders oppose Christ, perhaps, thereby revealing their hearts? And he somehow knew and perhaps even felt the pain – the piercing pain – Mary would feel as many opposed the very One who had come to save them.
Father, did Simeon’s words somehow help Mary? She clearly never forgot them, because years later she, or someone close to her, could still repeat them to Dr. Luke. Was the knowing of this ahead of time helpful to her when the day came for her Son’s death? I have to believe so, Lord. That those words helped her broken heart as she remembered that God knew all those years before when Jesus was but a tiny baby boy …