Day 7 – Ruth 3:1-9

Opening Prayer: Father, may I always seek Your covering and remain at Your feet in close communion with You.

Read: Ruth 3:1-9

In your 4R journal:

  • Record: After reading this short story, what verse stood out to you?
  • Respond: Write a short prayer of praise in response to what God has shown you.

It’s amusing to discover how many times the Old Testament depicts a mother who has a plan. Of course, Naomi’s intentions were good, nevertheless, she had a definite strategy to secure the future of her daughter-in-law. “Wash, put on perfume, and get dressed in your best clothes” (Ruth 3:3 NIV). In other words, Naomi told Ruth to get gussied up and make herself known. In fact, why don’t you go ahead and propose to him? Again, Ruth reminds me of Mary, the mother of Jesus, because of her willing obedience. “All that you say I will do” (Ruth 3:5 NIV). Simple and sweet. Not only did she say she would do it, but she also followed through with it!


  • Was there a time in your life when you found God-given courage to do something scary?
  • How did God provide in that situation?

Fear gets us all, doesn’t it? It seems Ruth had great faith in her newfound God. She acted with expectancy and we know expectant faith pleases our Abba. It’s possible she still experienced real fear of rejection or ridicule. She knew she was unworthy. Yet, she trusted God with hopeful expectation that she would find favor.


  • Is there an area in your life where you lack hopeful expectation?
  • Write a prayer of confession, asking for the willingness to believe God is working behind the scenes for our good in every situation.

My Verse: Ruth 3:9, “Who are you?” he asked. “I am your servant Ruth,” she said. “Spread the corner of your garment over me, since you are a guardian-redeemer of our family” (Ruth 3:9 NIV).

My Response: Father, thank You for covering my sin and calling me Your beloved.

After a day of hard work and a good meal, Boaz falls asleep. Then, Ruth slowly inhales and, holding her breath, slips from her hiding place and tiptoes across the threshing floor until she is standing at his feet. Gathering her faded frock off the ground, she folds herself onto the floor and gently lifts the edge of his garment. Her heart pounds as she lay next to his exposed feet. After several hours, “in the middle of the night,” Boaz is startled and “noticed a woman at his feet.” (I’m guessing Ruth was probably still awake and not spread-eagle on the floor snoring.) No, I’m sure Ruth never fell asleep (would you?) and must have been relieved when Boaz finally noticed her.

“Who are you?” he asked.

“I am your servant Ruth,” she said. “Spread the corner of your garment over me, since you are a guardian-redeemer of our family” (Ruth 3:9 NIV).

God never ceases to surprise me. It was clear that Ruth proposed marriage. This seems like such a modern idea! However, God is all about taking care of His children and sometimes uses unconventional methods to do so. It’s suspenseful, isn’t it? So is life with our Redeemer, Jesus. What a God we serve!

“May the Lord reward your work and may your wages be full from the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to seek refuge.” (Ruth 2:12 NASB)

 The next step:

When the Spirit leads, in the comment section below, chose a response to share:

  • Was there a time in your life when you found God-given courage to do something scary?
  • How did God provide in that situation?


  • Share your 4R Response

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