Day 11 – Esther 1:1-9

Opening Prayer: Father, open my eyes to the divine appointments in my own life. Give me the faith to trust you when I don’t understand and the courage to do what You call me to do because Your ways are so far above my own.

 Read: Esther 1:1-9

In your 4R journal:

  • Record: After reading this short story, what verse stood out to you?
  • Respond: Write a short prayer of praise in response to what God has shown you.

Here we are in the palatial palace of King Xerxes only a few years into his reign. The story opens at the end of a party lasting one-hundred and eighty-seven days. (The last seven days he opened it up to the entire city!) Verse 4 tells us he “displayed the vast wealth of his kingdom and the splendor and glory of his majesty.” It is possible that the King was flexing his muscles, letting the nobles, official, military leaders and princes know who’s in charge. Regardless, it was quite opulent.


  • Have you ever been to a large party or event that was over the top?
  • How did it make you feel?

My Verse: Esther 1:5,When these days were over, the king gave a banquet, lasting seven days, in the enclosed garden of the king’s palace, for all the people from the least to the greatest who were in the citadel of Susa” (NIV).

 My Response: Father, You are The King! Someday You will give a great banquet–a wedding feast! Thank You for inviting me, one of the least, to this feast in Your eternal garden.

There are many scriptures that foreshadow God’s plan of redemption for His people. In verse five we see a foreshadowing of the Heavenly wedding feast when our King, Jesus, will give a banquet. Furthermore, all the people from the least to the greatest who are called by His name will be there. That includes you and me if you are a follower of the King!

Yet, King Xerxes I (Ahasuerus) was only a man whom God raised up to rule over 127 provinces. His banquet was a way of glorifying himself but God was there directing the path that would lead to victory for His people. Even in the vileness, gluttony and drunkenness of man, God prevails. When I look around at the upside-down-world we live in I am reminded that God, even in this craziness, is present and working for the good of His people. God is faithful even if we are faithless.

Father, help me to remain faithful to You no matter what. I feel the pull of the world but I choose to follow You.

 The next step:

When the Spirit leads, in the comment section below, chose a response to share:

  • Have you ever been to a large party or event that was over the top?
  • How did it make you feel?


  • Share your 4R Response


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