One Day Topics

Pray Anyway: What happens when you pray with all your strength and every bit of faith you can muster and … God does not answer you as you asked? The loved one does not get well … the marriage is not saved … what then? Sharon addresses the hard questions that come when it feels like God did not hear the cries of our heart. Why should we “Pray Anyway?” You’ll come away with a fresh love for the God who cares and who hears … even when a heart is breaking.

Grace Moments: Sharon shares the gospel message and then unpacks what grace looks like in everyday life: with husbands … in-laws … children … friends … enemies.

Cultivating a Grateful Heart: Just like it takes time to turn a wild patch of land into a beautiful garden, it takes time to learn to maintain an “attitude of gratitude.” There are ways to help in that process, and Sharon gently takes her audience to the places in Scripture that help us become women with grateful hearts.

Prayer: A Living Legacy for your Children: Listen and be challenged to consistently pray for your children and grandchildren, nieces and nephews, students and strangers.

Sweet Selah: Want to cultivate a closer relationship with the One who loves you best? Sharon shares her own journey toward quiet times with the Lord. A naturally busy person, she had to learn to be still and KNOW and it is her JOY to share what she learned along the way, encouraging women to “stop.” “pause” and “ponder” – knowing that those stops are necessary to a fruit-filled life.

At His Feet: This is a study of Mary of Bethany, who is found three times in Scripture at Jesus’ feet. Sharon leads women in a study of the very different circumstances that bring Mary to these places of surrender and humility and then applies it practically to our own lives as women in a busy and sometimes sorrow-full world.

With enough notice, Sharon is always excited to dig into God’s Word and study and then speak on a new topic as well. Just suggest one.

Sweet Selah Retreats

A sweet Selah retreat is unique in its design. It meets tired women and feeds mind, body, and soul:
Mind: A Selah retreat will always include rich study in the Word of God with Sharon as teacher, helping women grow through examining and applying the Word to their own lives.
Body: A Selah retreat will always allow for a minimum of 3 hours of “nothing time.” Women can walk, nap, talk, or read a good book … whatever will renew and refresh their weary bodies.
Soul: A Selah retreat will always incorporate “guided Selah time.” This gives a retreat participant specific Bible study questions to answer on her own, just Jesus and her. God is the very best Teacher, and learning how to be still and study His Word is key to growth as a follower and lover of Christ.

Sweet Selah Retreat Topics

Walk This Way: Life Lessons from Isaiah
Have you ever wished God would write you a letter, detailing what you were to do each day? Have you ever been puzzled by a decision … not able to figure out what to do? Do you long to hear that voice behind you saying “This is the way, walk in it?” … join Sharon Gamble for a weekend of learning and discovery as we seek to know God better and hear His voice more clearly through the study of His Word and the fellowship that comes when believers who seek Him gather together.

Lord, Teach us To Pray
Using the Lord’s Prayer as a guide, this weekend retreat studies the great topic of prayer, using Scripture teaching at every turn. Women will learn to praise, confess, surrender, thank, intercede and ask for God to meet their own needs.

Loving Your Husband
Titus 2:4 directs “older women” to teach the younger women to love their husbands. This weekend retreat is adapted from a ten week course designed by Sharon, encouraging wives towards deeper love in their marriages.

Sweet Selah – Weaving Quiet into the Fabric of a Busy Life
Our culture tells us that being busy makes us successful … important … productive. It’s hard to stop and ponder anything with all the rush and bustle of daily life! Yet, in order to truly be productive, bearing fruit for God’s eternal kingdom, we need to make sure we also stop. This weekend explores the reasons we are afraid to be still, and encourages women to find balance in their lives, filling up with the Word of Truth and time with the King … in order to give out of His limitless strength … instead of our own.

With enough notice, Sharon is always excited to dig into God’s Word and study and then speak on a new topic as well. Just suggest one.