Steadfast Love

Day Ten – Ruth 2:14-23

Day 10 – Ruth 2:14-23 Well, I love a good love story and right here we start to see the love! Boaz not only notices Ruth, he pays special attention…

Day Nine – Ruth 2:1-13

Day 9 – Ruth 2:1-13 I was struck by a simple phrase in today’s reading. It’s found in Ruth 2:3. “So Ruth went out to gather grain behind the harvesters.…

Intro to Week Two Video

Sharon’s Video Chat for Week One and Introduction to Week Two [smartvideo src=”″ width=”1280″ height=”720″ responsive=true controls=true]

Day Eight – Ruth 1:14-22

Day 8 – Ruth 1:14-22 So far, the story has been about Naomi. Today, we get to know Ruth. She has a choice to make. Orpah, her fellow sister-in-law, is…

Day Seven – Ruth 1:1-13

Day 7 – Ruth 1:1-13 The book of Ruth is primarily told through Naomi’s perspective, the widow who lost not only her husband but also her only two children, her…

Day Six – Judges 2:6-23

Day 6 – Judges 2:6-23 Today, we come to the time in history when Ruth lived. The book of Ruth begins with these words: “In the days when the judges…

Day Five – Deuteronomy 31:19-21; 32:1-18

Day 5 – Deuteronomy 31:19-21; 32:1-18 I have a question for you. Do songs stick in your head? Can you remember lyrics and choruses from popular tunes of the past?…

Day Four – Genesis 19:12-38

Day 4 – Genesis 19:12-38 This, to me, is one of the most disturbing passages in the entire Bible. If Lot and his daughters and wife were the “best” people…

Day Three – Deuteronomy 24:14-25:10

Day 3 – Deuteronomy 24:14-25:10 We entered into the dense field of Jewish law today. God had Moses write down laws for His people as they wandered the desert and…

Day Two – Joshua 2:1-20

Day 2 – Joshua 2:1-20 We are going to spend the next five days building a scaffolding on which to place the book of Ruth and the precious story within…

Day One – Psalm 107

Day 1 – Psalm 107 We start our study with a beautiful and comprehensive Psalm. This, like all psalms, was sung in ancient times and it really reads like a…