Steadfast Love

Day Twenty – Hosea 3

Day 20 – Hosea 3 In Chapter 2 we read God’s story. In Chapter 3 we read Hosea and Gomer’s story. Gomer actually did run away and live with another…

Day Nineteen – Hosea 2:14-23

Day 19 – Hosea 2:14-23 Okay so this part of Chapter 2 brought tears to my eyes. How amazing is our God? He is yearning for the day when He…

Day Eighteen – Hosea 2:2-13

Day 18 – Hosea 2:2-13 Chapter 2 of Hosea has two very distinct and separate parts. This first part is all about God’s anger and hurt as the betrayed husband.…

Day Seventeen – Hosea 1:1 – 2:1

Day 17 – Hosea 1:1-2:1 Today, we look at another strange Bible story with a big message. Let’s remember God’s great commandments about how He is to be treated first,…

Day Sixteen – 1 Samuel 16:1-13

Day 16 – 1 Samuel 16:1-13 Our reading takes place today in that little town of Bethlehem. It’s so stunning to me, how this tiny town was so significant to…

Day Fifteen – Matthew 1

Day 15 – Matthew 1 Now this was an odd choice for a reading. Is that what you were thinking? Sometimes we want to just skip right over the genealogies…

Video Chat from Sharon ending Week 2 and starting Week 3

Enjoy the chat as you prepare for the next week’s lesson! [smartvideo src=”″ width=”1280″ height=”720″ responsive=true controls=true]

Day Fourteen – Ruth 4:11-22

Day 14 – Ruth 4:11-22 We finish the beautiful love story of Ruth and Boaz, today. Our section starts with one more startling difference between cultures. After Boaz and the…

Day Thirteen – Ruth 4:1-10

Day 13 – Ruth 4:1-10 Things were certainly done differently in those days, weren’t they? Women had so few rights. And yet, women in Israel had more rights than women…

Day Twelve – Ruth 3:10-18

Day 12 – Ruth 3:10-18 Now we get to hear Boaz’s response to Ruth’s rather unorthodox proposal. It’s a resounding YES isn’t it? And he’s a quick thinker. He realizes…

Day Eleven – Ruth 3:1-9

Day 11 – Ruth 3:1-9 We now come to the part of Ruth’s story that is most surprising. Can you even imagine this? Boaz, sound asleep in the grainery, after…