Steadfast Love

Day Twenty-Eight – Romans 8:26-38

Day 28 – Romans 8:26-38 How can we be on our last day? Here in New Hampshire, we started May still cold and still pretty much leaf-less. We end May…

Day Twenty-Seven – Romans 8:

Day 27 – Romans 8:1-25 What I love about this first part of Romans 8 is that it basically summarizes our month together. If you can, read this in the…

Day Twenty-Six – Luke 15:20-32

Day 26 – Luke 15:20-32 This story. Those two sons. Oy. The bad son, who wants his father’s money before his father even dies and then wastes it all, is…

Day Twenty-Five – Luke 15:1-19

Day 25 – Luke 15:1-19 Let’s look at the first three verses of this amazing chapter in the Bible to get the context firmly fixed in our minds:  “Tax collectors…

Donation Request

  Thank you to the silent ones who always send us a small donation when they take an online Bible Study course. We are so grateful that we can offer…

Day Twenty-Four – Jeremiah 31:23-40

Day 24 – Jeremiah 31:23-40 Did you notice the mention of the “new covenant” in this section of Jeremiah? That part’s happened! In the Old Testament, people had to obey…

Day Twenty-Three – Jeremiah 31:1-22

Day 23 – Jeremiah 31:1-22 Today we see the verse I mentioned in the introduction to our study in context. God loves His people with an everlasting, steadfast love and…

Day Twenty-Two – Isaiah 61

Day 22 – Isaiah 61 We are going to start our commentary today by reading a passage about Jesus in a synagogue from Luke 4:16-21. It has direct bearing on…

Video Chat from Sharon ending Week 3 and starting Week 4

Only one week left. Can you believe it? Hope this video chat prepares you for our last week together. [smartvideo src=”″ width=”1280″ height=”720″ responsive=true controls=true]

Day Twenty-One – Hosea 14

Day 21 – Hosea 14 I love this last beautiful chapter in Hosea. God’s ultimate desire for His people is that they return so He can bless them. His yearning…